Tuesday, 10 July 2012

He Intercedes For Me

Written by Jason Buzzard

  Are you going through trials? Prayer has power! Contact us so we can pray with you

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” (Romans 8:26)

I find great hope in these words of Paul in his letter to the church in Rome. Even when I am so upset that words will not come, the Spirit is interceding on my behalf and yours. The Holy Spirit prays when I cannot. Be mindful of this incredible gift. God in His infinite mercy has given you the Spirit to intercede for you when the pain is so overwhelming that words cannot describe. If words will not come, find comfort in the fact that the Spirit knows what lies deep in your heart.

Patience is extremely important in any battle you may face. In the natural, your situation may look hopeless. But Paul also says in his letter to the Romans that hope in things seen is no hope at all. If things look impossible to man, they are possible with God. Wait with joyful expectation for your breakthrough. Do not lose hope. Do not give up. Keep praying even if your prayers seem inadequate.

Early in my walk with the Lord, I typically took action first and prayed later. There are so many times and situations where I wish I could turn back time and PRAY first and ACT second. I placed my thoughts ahead of God and ahead of his plan.

“Pray first, act second” is the key to being in union with God’s will.

I also learned that I needed to pray and pray, even when it appeared that nothing was happening. Sometimes what I planned to happen is not what GOD had planned. Trust that the Lord knows what He is doing no matter the outcome. The admonition to “pray without ceasing” can be summed up in the acrostic that I have seen everywhere, PUSH…Pray Until Something Happens.

We are not to say a prayer or two and then give up if nothing changes. No! God expects us to keep right on praying until something DOES happen and then pray some more. God is pleased when we come to Him with our cares and concerns. He longs to meet our needs in accordance with His will for us.

“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” (Numbers 23:19)

Prayer: Lord, thank you for interceding for me when I cannot think of the words to say. Thank you for knowing the best will for my life and situations. Thank you for the reminder to pray, then act. Help me to remember this and to always come to You first. Thank you for directing me towards Your perfect will. Amen.

Question: How do you keep praying when the battle is really hard?

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