Sunday, 17 June 2012

The Supreme Memory Book Is A Complete System For Memorizing Scripture

Attention Christians: Stop struggling trying to memorize scriptures the hard way!

How To Memorize The Scriptures Easily And Quickly!

Long-Lost Manuscript Resurfaces With Easy-To-Learn Techniques That Will Have You Memorizing Biblical Scripture In No Time...

From the desk of Don and Dawn
Publisher of "Memory Delight"
Christian Newsletter

Dear Fellow Christian,

Let’s face it, memorizing scripture is tough!
There’s no doubt, it’s one of the most important and also, most difficult things for any Christian to learn.

Here’s what the Bible says about memorizing scripture:

“This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall MEDITATE in it day and night,
that you may observe to DO
according to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous,
and then you will have good success.”
 - Joshua 1:8 

You see, to be truly prosperous and successful you need to meditate on God's word day and night. And the best way to know His word is by memorizing it.

Have You Been Frustrated Because You Failed In Your Attempts To Memorize Scriptures

When I say failed, I mean … you learned some scriptures, only to lose the memory after just a few weeks or even days.

If God meant for His Word to be remembered, then why is it so tough to memorize it?
The real problem is not you, your brain, or even your age. It’s not the complexity of the scripture either. It lies in the way you tried to memorize it.

It’s A FACT: Scripture memorization will help you grow stronger spiritually as you reflect on God’s promises wherever and whenever you want, at any time... Without even needing to have your Bible in hand.

Today, Christians need to memorize and meditate scriptures more than ever before. With our high-tech society, many Christians have become downright lazy in memorizing scripture

HERE’S THE PROBLEM: Most books on memorization techniques are dull and boring... No wonder why memorizing scripture isn’t at the top of our list.

You see... nothing brings you closer to God than memorizing His Word.

Think about it. Being able to memorize scripture is one of the most powerful tools that you, as a Christian, could ever have.

But Learning How To Memorize Scripture Is The Hard Part...

It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune learning the right techniques to improving your memory.

Well now there’s good news... Actually, it’s GREAT NEWS!

Instead of knocking yourself struggling to learn complicated memorization methods, you can now have an entire collection of easy-to-learn and fun techniques, to finally master memorizing biblical scripture...

Introducing: The Supreme Memory Book

Recently a long-lost manuscript on scripture memorization by acclaimed Theologian Dr. William Evans has been re-discovered.

Dr. Evans’ work contains powerful scripture memorization techniques not taught anywhere else. So powerful in fact, that this book should be in the hands of every Christian across the globe.

Why This Amazing Book Was Written

Dr. William Evans was the first graduate of the Moody Bible Institute in 1892 and later became director of the Biblical Studies Department.

As Director of the Biblical Studies Department, he came to the realization that memorizing God's word was one of the greatest challenges his students faced.

“What will it take,” he wondered, “to make Christians commit scripture to memory?” It was a passionate appeal to God. (It might even be one of your prayers as well.)

It was this questioning that led Dr. Williams to find the answer he was looking for.

After much trial-and-error, he discovered and created easy-to-learn techniques that any Christian can use to accurately memorize scripture.

His handwritten notes would later become the Supreme Memory Book.

But more essential than all that: Here’s the real reason why the Supreme Memory Book is so phenomenal...

You see, Dr. Evans made implementing his memorization system super-easy to learn and use. These are actual tools created specifically for Christians that you can instantly use and benefit from!

All of the methods in his book are time-tested and proven to bring you results right away.
When this book was released in 1909, it brought thousands of people closer to God.
People who...
…Wanted desperately to improve their relationships with God

…Tired of your sinful habits or addiction.

…Had unanswered questions

…Had challenges in their lives

…Wanted direction in their lives
Dr. Williams had found a hunger in people to find a way to live, in accordance with God’s Word. Memorizing scripture is key to finding the righteous path.

That’s exactly why he created these techniques.

How I Ran Across This Amazingly
Simple Memorization System

Years ago, I was struggling to commit scripture to memory and not forget it.

I tried every method I could get my hands on, but none of them worked for me.

That was until I accidentally ran across the manuscript of Dr. Evan Williams online. Since it was written specifically for Christians, I decided to order the book.

When I received it in the mail, I felt like Indiana Jones discovering a long-lost treasure. The book was actually a very rare antique.

This fragile book held the secrets that I’d been seeking for years. Just reading first few pages of the book blew me away...

When I purchased the book I also got the rights to republish it. That’s why I can share with you these brilliant scripture memorization techniques.

In the Supreme Memory Book, I'm revealing to you every technique from Dr. Evans manuscript and even use his exact words to make sure that you don’t miss a thing.

The Supreme Memory Book Is A Complete System For Memorizing Scripture That Actually Works.

And It's So Simple, Anyone Can Do It!

If you want to memorize the scriptures and make your life truly a walk with God, you absolutely need to read this book. It really is that important!

The Supreme Memory Book won’t bog you down with a mountain of complicated exercises and scientific theory.

It’s a memorization system that lays out simple, clear, practical steps that are guaranteed to kick your scripture memorization skills into overdrive.

This isn't information you'll find in other memorization books that are out there -- you'll be learning Dr. Evans’ deepest secrets about how to memorizing scriptures that you can flawlessly recite anytime you need to.

In the Supreme Memory Book you will discover:

  • The foolproof plan for easily memorizing scripture that will bring you closer to God... Page 77
  • The four easy steps to truly learn the Bible verses by heart... Page 80
  • Why there’s no limit to the capacity of your memory... Page 12
  • How you can retain and recall something you have learned whenever you want... Page 62
  • How to recall by memory all the details of the entire books of the Bible... Page 74
  • The three building blocks of a strong memory... Page 17
  • How a 74-year-old man proves age is no barrier by using these techniques to recite from memory a huge part of the entire New Testament... Page 14
  • How to reap the most benefit from these techniques... Page 18
  • How simple index cards can help you memorize the Bible by heart (It’s not what you think!)... Page 77
  • The power to recall from memory any scripture you’ve learned... Pages 59 – 61

  • How to intensify your concentration... Pages 21 - 33

  • How simple suggestive associations will get you to remember people, places and key dates from the Bible... Pages 54 – 56

  • And so much more...
Book Cover
That's just a small sampling of what you'll find in the 103 page information-rich book. It gives you the exact roadmap you need to easily memorize scripture and recall it on demand.

With the Supreme Memory Book you'll be able to memorize scripture just like Jesus did.

This amazing system will also help you:
  • Feel closer to God by consistently meditating His word
  • Shed impure thoughts and sinful habits PERMANENTLY
  • Find strength in times of weakness and vulnerability
  • Focus in light of God’s word instead of negativity and sins of this world

  • Grow your faith in God and to have a more intimate relationship with Him

  • Maintain a Christ-centered relationship with your family, friends, and loved ones

  • Protect yourself and your family from the assault of the enemy

  • Meditate on God’s word any time... even if you don’t have your Bible with you

  • Win more souls to Christ

  • Resist all temptation just like Jesus did when tempted in the desert

  • And much, much more...
The Supreme Memory Book also contains memorization exercises that will bring you instant results.

Why Christians Need To Memorize Scripture

You may be wondering why you even need to memorize scripture in the first place.

Well, the answer is simple... Because the Bible commands us to.

Here are a few examples:

"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts"
- Deuteronomy 6:6
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads." - Deuteronomy 11:18

It's impossible to truly love God in your heart and live God’s Word unless you have it committed memory.

The Bible sums it up best in Proverbs 7:2:

“Guard my words as your most precious possession.
Write them down and also keep them deep within your heart”

At Last: The Easiest Way To Learn How To
Memorize Scripture Finally Revealed To You

God meant His word to be remembered, right?

You may not believe it’s possible to easily memorize any Bible verses, but that’s just not true.

The real problem is not you, your brain, or even your age.

It’s also not the complexity of the scripture either.

The real problem lies in the way that you try to memorize it.

The Supreme Memory Book is the absolute fastest and easiest way to accelerate your scripture memorization... So easy, in fact, that even kids can easily learn to memorize scripture too!

Unlike most books on memorization, the Supreme Memory Book is strictly a "meat and potatoes" book for you. This book contains no fluff, no filler, and no scientific or theoretical mumbo-jumbo at all.

This book will show you how to memorize scripture in the fastest, most straight-forward and easy-to-learn way possible.

Yes, now you can turbo-charge your memory so quickly it will truly seem miraculous. You’ll be able to memorize and recite even the longest scriptures in no time.

More Than Just Memorizing Quotes

It’s not just about memorizing quotes... You can turn to the internet or your smart phone for that.

What this really is about is teaching your brain and engaging your heart to not only learn scripture but to really walk your Christian talk.

If you’re interested in developing yourself spiritually, the Supreme Memory Book is the perfect resource for you.

Listen to What Some Well-Known Spirit-Filled
Christians Have To Say About Memorizing Scripture:
"I am convinced that one of the greatest things we can do is to memorize Scripture."
Billy GrahamBilly Graham

"I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture...No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends! Your prayer life will be strengthened. Your witnessing will be sharper and much more effective. Your attitudes and outlook will begin to change. Your mind will become alert and observant. Your confidence and assurance will be enhanced. Your faith will be solidified."

Chuck SwindollChuck Swindoll
Pastor, Author
Insights For Living

"Scripture memory is a habit that most Christians have never even tried, but getting your members to hide God's word in their hearts brings personal revival and renewal"

Rick WarrenRick Warren
Pastor, Author
Purpose Driven Life

"I had then already read and taught the sacred Scriptures most diligently privately and publicly for seven years, so that I knew them nearly all by memory"

Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King Jr.
Minister, Civil Rights Activist

The Christian’s "Secret Weapon" and
Fast Track To Spiritual Success

The key to transforming yourself from an ordinary Christian to a Spirit-Filled Christian is through scripture memorization and meditation.

Not only will this build your relationship with God but also with other people.
Imagine what it would be like to...
  • Amaze your friends by instantly reciting scripture confidently, without faltering, regardless of your age
  • Inspire people to memorize scriptures and even teach kids to do it in fun and exciting new ways. Memorizing with your kids is also the perfect way to bond with them
  • Always be equipped with scriptures locked in your memory to be recalled when teaching God’s word in school, church, or in your Bible study groups
  • You’re be able to defend your faith when someone questions your faith in Christ simply by quoting powerful verses in the Bible.
  • Be able to powerfully defend your faith in Christ by flawlessly quoting powerful Bible anytime someone questions your faith
  • Hear His voice more clearly and know His divine will for you
  • Have a consistent daily prayer and Bible reading, without even needing a Bible
  • Be closer to God more than ever before
And, believe me... this is just the beginning of all you’ll get from the Supreme Memory Book!

The Supreme Memory Book Is Like Nothing You've Ever
Seen Before On Memorizing Scripture That
Will Actually Bring You Closer To God!

Dr. Evans’ approach to scripture memorization is completely different than anything you've ever seen, read, or heard before -- and anybody can do it, even kids!

The memorization techniques in this book are so simple that you can easily teach it to your kids or students without boring them to tears.

Scripture memorization is the best habit that kids could learn to get them on the right track in life.

Witness Real Results Christians Have Gained
From The Supreme Memory Book

"...Improves Memory Regardless of Age."
"You'll get amazing results if you simply read and apply these techniques. It makes scripture memorization enjoyable. Wow!

I can't believe that you can actually improve someones memory regardless of age. Thank you for this book!"
- Ayesha Young

"One verse a day? Piece of cake!"
"The techniques in this book are amazing! There's no way you can't memorize a single scripture if you apply the step-by-step plan outlined here. One verse a day? Piece of cake!

I highly recommend "The Supreme Memory Book" to anyone struggling to memorize a bible verse."
- Alicia Sundar, Tunapuna, Trinidad & Tobago

"Highly Recommended!"
"Memorizing a scripture is the best habit that any Christian could learn.

With "The Supreme Memory Book" you can have God's Word written in you heart and mind. It makes memorization so easy and enjoyable. Highly recommended."

- James Otieno, Nairobi Kenya

"...Great Help To Many Christians.."

"The book is definitely going to be a great help to many christians with my self at the top of the list.

Memorizing one verse a day is no sweat at all. You'll wonder why you didn't learn these memorization techniques early on your Christian walk. "

- Brigitte KragbeAbidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa
When You Order Today You'll Also Receive
These 4 Free Gifts!

As a "priceless" bonus for ordering today ... I want to give 4 "super gifts" that are the perfect supplements to the Supreme Memory Book to help put you on the right spirit-filled path to God.

Top 50 Memory Verses Memory Card Template
 (Valued at $20)

This printable and editable excel file actually started out as a personal resource to use whenever I wanted to study. In fact, I really wasn't planning on making this available until a fellow Christian pleaded, "I need to have a copy of that!"

This file contains the most popular Bible verses that Christians memorize.

You can conveniently print it on a 3x5 in or 4x6 index card.

This is a great supplement in memorizing scriptures wherever you are.

NOTE: You’ll need Microsoft Excel to open and print this file.
Card Template
Eternal Truths To Live By
 (Valued at $17)

With nearly 2,000 of the most popular Bible verses broken down into 200 different categories, this is the largest collection of Bible quotes you’ll ever find.

And no, you can't get it online or even in your local Christian bookstore, because I’m the one who put this together.

You’ll be able to quickly find any scripture that you need.

Eteranal Truths
King James Version (Electronic Bible) 
(Valued at $47.95)

Now you can carry the Bible around with you wherever you go, without having to take up space in your purse, bag, briefcase, or backpack.

This contains the complete text of both the Old and the New Testaments.

With this handy Bible:

- You'll have instant access to entire bible in your computer. No need to search online.

- You can have this in your computer at home, work, and even at church.
3rd Bonus
Bible Basics (Valued at $24.95)

Whether you’ve been a Christian for years or you're just starting on your walk with the Lord, these lessons will be invaluable to you.

Although these lessons are Basic, they are not lightweight!

Here’s why...

They will help you discover several foundational truths about God, His creation, and your place in it.

You will be challenged and enlightened as you study God's Word.

With this bonus, you’ll receive:

- 13 Power Packed Lessons by Dr. Barry L. Davis

- 78 Page Teachers Guide and Reproducible Student's Guide.

- 244 Accompanying PowerPoint Slides

NOTE: You will need the Microsoft PowerPoint software to view theslides.

Bible Basics
At Last: The Long-Lost Manuscript Of Dr. Evan Williams Is FinallyAvailable... And You Can Get It Immediately As A Digital Download For Less Than You Ever Imagined!

The Supreme Memory Book is priceless! Actually, compared with what you get, it’s a lot less than you’d expect to pay.

The total value of just the FREE bonuses alone is $109.90.

The treasured knowledge you’ll gain from The Supreme Memory book is worth at least $300.
So, at face value, you’d be paying total value of this entire package is $409.90.

But you don’t have to pay that much. You don’t even have to pay $300, $200, or even $100.

My introductory offer for the Supreme Memory Book is just a mere $29.95.

Why so low? Simple... Dr. Evans was driven by his mission — changing the world through God’s Word, one person at a time. Well, I’m carrying on this mission and my service won’t be complete unless as many Christians as possible have access to this important resource!

For this introductory offer, I don’t want price to be an issue… But, once I start getting flooded with orders (which is what I expect), my business costs will increase, and I'll be forced to raise my pricing.

Besides, if you don’t like it for any reason you’ll get every penny back.
Here’s why...

Just Say "Maybe" And You Can Try The Supreme Memory Book Risk-Free For a Full 60 Days!

I’ll make you more than just a guarantee.

It's my 60-day — that's two whole months — risk-free, love-it-or-leave-it, full money-back personal promise.


I honestly believe this is the most powerful and easiest way to quickly learn how to memorize scripture.


Buy your copy of The Supreme Memory Book today.

Try it out for a full 60 days.

If you follow the techniques to a “T” and honestly fail to memorize at least one verse a day – Simply return the book within 60 days – We'll refund your money 100%... no hassle, no questions, no hard feelings.

Not only that, but you can even keep the bonus items as my gift to you for trying it out.
My advice to you is don’t wait another minute. Order this amazing book and see what a difference memorizing scripture will make in your life.

The dividends in your relationship with God will be enormous.

It’s Easy To Order & Get Started Today
It’s Easy To Order & Get Started Today
The Supreme Memory Book gives you one of the fastest, easiest, and surest ways to quickly memorizing scripture – from the comfort of your own home.
I urge you to order The Supreme Memory Book today. It really is that important! 
As soon as you order, we'll deliver it in minutes via the Internet... so you can get started right away.
If you don't like it, we'll give you a full refund... so checking out the Supreme Memory Book costs you nothing.
If you DO like it ... and want to keep it... ordering today means you pay only $29.95
Wait until later, and it may cost you $67. 
To order your copy of the Supreme Memory Book on a 60-day risk-free trial basis, just click here now:

Click Here To Order
Your order is guaranteed safe and secured.

Once you click the "Add To Cart" button we’ll immediately process your payment and send you the books within 5-10 minutes.

The magic of the internet is that you can order anytime... even if it's 2:00 in the morning.

There truly is no other program on the market that comes close to the Supreme Memory Book.

One big thing that sets this book apart: It’s a no-fluff book that will turn your ordinary memory into a supercharged memory to flawlessly remember and recite even the longest scriptures in no time.

Nor can you find anywhere else all the incredible hands-on resources we’ve compiled for you. Where else can you have everything about memorizing scriptures spelled out in detail for you?

You don’t have to struggle through trial and error for years trying to learn memorization techniques. It’s available to you now!

Having scriptures in your heart and in your head will change your life forever. And this book could be your ticket to a healthier Christian life.

But the only way to prove the value of the "Supreme Memory Book" is to try it yourself.
Don't let age or poor memory be an excuse that keeps you from being closer to God by memorizing His Words.

Look, Jesus Christ used His memorized scriptures to resist temptation and avoid sinning… Now you can too!

Yours in a closer walk with Jesus,
Don and Dawn

p.s. I expect the demand to be high on this book and will have to raise pricing to $67 in order to cover increased operating expenses... So take advantage of this opportunity now.

p.p.s. Don’t forget with this book you’ll also get four high-value bonuses:
  • Top 50 Memory Verses Memory Card Template

  • Eternal Truths To Live By

  • Electronic Bible

  • Bible Basics
p.p.p.s If you're STILL on the fence about this, remember that you have my 60-day 100% money back guarantee. If you don't see massive improvement in your memorization, I'll gladly refund your money - no questions asked! That's how confident I am about the Supreme Memory Book.
So what are you waiting for? Click Here To Order Today!

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