Ever watch the "poker channel" on satellite TV? Perhaps you are a poker player yourself. In each game, perhaps after hours of ups and downs, a player will decide to bet everything. It's called going "all in." He pushes his whole stack of chips into the center of the table, knowing that he's either busted and out or will claim the whole pot.
Video Devotion: What is Epiphany? |
The Magi who came to visit the newborn King, their King, were not just curious astronomers on a casual journey. They were from the Parthian (Persian) Empire, a bitter enemy of the Romans who had put King Herod on his throne and whose soldiers could be seen every day on Jerusalem's streets. For the Magi to travel hundreds of miles behind enemy lines was to risk their very lives. They were all in.
They brought gifts that showed not just casual friendship but the deepest worship, fit for a king. Their hope in the Messiah had taken them from darkness to light, from death to life. "They saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh"(Matthew 2:11).
Has it cost you anything, anything at all, to be a Christian? Could your gifts to your Savior be called kingly? Is your worship life an occasional and casual thing, or are you ready to go all in?
Pastor Mark Jeske
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