Friday, 1 February 2013

Picking up the Pieces

Written by Linda McCutcheon
Are you hurting and facing unbearable pain? We can pray for you.

“Our Lord, You Always do Right”
(Psalm 119:137-160 (CEV).

As a woman who actively seeks to obey God, there have been confusing times when I read these words and wonder with a breaking heart feeling like the wind has been knocked out of me. It goes on to say that “your decisions are fair”.

How can I believe these truths when humans disappoint or hurt us deeply? How do I pick myself up and put one foot in front of the other? How is it that we are left grabbing our hearts trying to breathe? How can I understand that the Lord ‘who always does right’ watches me as I am left crumpled and defeated? It doesn’t feel it was a right decision.

I didn’t sign up to be a single mom or all the many facets that it encompasses. I have a responsibility to show my girls how I handle any trial. I believe in my heart, it is ok to let them see me having an aerobic work-out in my heart, but nevertheless moving ahead and coming through on the other side. 

Our pastor challenged us to ‘not waste a trial’. I pray I don’t waste a trial believing that God is the one who does right and makes decisions never thought possible. He takes the pain and breathlessness, hugs me and says, “Just walk with Me, I know what I am doing. Do you trust me, Linda? Read my promises.” 

Not only does King David say that the Lord does right, he continues by saying that “your teachings are true and will last forever.” Bottom line, earthly things don’t last and life is short so don’t waste a trial and grow, grow, grow!

How do I get from point A to that next alphabet? What is my process? For me, I was fully engaged in my problem and took my eyes off the truth that God’s ways are true, He does right, and His decisions are fair. People hurt our hearts. What am I going to do with a situation? What outcome can I pursue that is God-honouring that allows Him to take my trial, or a broken heart, and help me move to the next challenge? I read the heartfelt cries of some of the journeys of those like the Psalmist David and the Apostle Peter whose hearts were desperately broken. This is not a new journey.

Bottom line, through this process the answer has been to grieve, cry, and then grieve some more. Engage in letting God hear your heart and then in quietness listen for Him to speak. He does!!! 

Scripture is the vitamin to gain health. We have to actively make a choice. Then at just the right moment, thank God for His amazing love, His constant faithfulness, and His promises. It means taking a conscious step forward asking for the next step. The Psalmist then says, “I am eager to learn all that you want me to do; help me to understand more and more”. That’s when the adventure begins my dear friends!~ God gives us a new strength, a new respect for ourselves, and a new journey never thought possible.

Life isn’t about not getting trials…that is a given, but it is how we fair with the trial. Give yourself time. God is riding above the heavy waters with us and sitting beside us. “Be my Defender and Protector”. He is all that and more!

Questions: Do you believe the statement “Our Lord, You Always do Right” (Psalm 119:137-160 (CEV)? How are you handling pain in your life?

Linda McCutcheon

Linda McCutcheon was born into and raised in a loving Christian home and accepted Christ at an early age. Along with a theology degree she has worked in various Christian and secular organizations in a variety of secretarial and administrative roles. For 12 years, she raised her daughters as a single mom but recently re-married and enjoys her new start with Bill and a blended family. Her passion is to help women to achieve all they can be amidst the pain and loss in life.

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