Friday, 23 March 2012

Q : Why can someone who is a true Christian die this painfully ?

Christians get the same diseases that non-Christians get. It has to do with the fact that we don't live in the Kingdom. 

We live in a disordered, broken existence, and this brokenness includes our bodies. No exemptions have been granted -- not even for Christ, who had to suffer and die. 

The only difference and comfort for a Christian is that death doesn't have the final word.

No one knows why anyone, Christian or non-Christian, has to go through that much pain, why the brokenness has to express itself in ways as terrible as terminal cancer or AIDS. 

Don't believe anyone who says they know, because they're liars. I'm not being evasive by saying it's a mystery, I'm just saying that humankind has such limited knowledge that the only thing we really know is that our deepest parts scream that it's not right. 

That's a good indicator that God agrees with you, and is working on it, in tears.

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