Thursday, 19 April 2012

Hide Or Seek? - The sin we try to cover up will eventually bring us down.

by Mart De Haan
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

An Indianapolis patrolman ran into trouble while he was investigating a routine traffic mishap. He had interviewed witnesses, arrested one of the drivers, and written up the accident report. Then he noticed that the offending motorist was chewing on something that wasn’t gum. He was eating the report! 

Despite the officer’s efforts to retrieve the report, it was destroyed. But the delay was only temporary. The patrolman tracked down the witnesses again and recompiled the evidence.
The resistance and coverup that this Indiana officer encountered is similar to what Isaiah saw in the people of Israel centuries ago. 

The prophet was grieved as he watched his countrymen try to ignore and conceal the evidence of their sin. They, in effect, stuck their fingers in their ears while the Lord spoke (Isa. 30:9), and they encouraged their prophets to tell them only what they wanted to hear (v.10). They would rather hide than seek the mercy of God. Consequently, the Lord sent judgment on them (vv.12-17).

We can learn from Israel’s mistakes that an attempt at coverup won’t do any good. It’s only temporary. We must confess our sins to God and forsake them. Then we will know the joy of God’s forgiveness.
The sins that would entangle us
Must never be ignored;
For if we try to cover them
They'll pierce us like a sword.
The sin we try to cover up will eventually bring us down.

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