But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.' 1 Corinthians 14:3 (NKJV)
For surely the Spirit of the Lord would say, I have destined you My people. I have chosen you from the foundation of the world. I have anointed you for this day. I anointed you for this hour. And I say no enemy will be able to pluck you out of My hand for you are chosen. You are mine says the Lord, and I will cause you to come into the fullness of your destiny if you will trust Me, if you will seek Me with all of your heart. I will give you the ability, the wisdom, the power, the might to come unto the high realms of My Spirit, to walk in the land of the living in the wisdom and the power of My anointing. I will cause you to have favor in the north, south, east and the west and I will cause you to be able to come forth even as calves come up out of the stall and they are cared for and watched over. I have watched over you. I have kept you. I have chosen you. Let not the enemy steal that which I have invested in your life. Let not the enemy lie and tell you that you have not been called, that you have not been chosen, for I say I have called you with a holy calling. I have given My life that you might live. I have given My life that you might achieve all that I have called you to be. If you could see by the eye of your spirit today, the revelation of the knowledge of God, the revelation of the truth of that which I have ordained in you; you could not be discouraged. You could not be despondent, for I say great is the reward of the righteous and not only in the world to come, but in this life great is your reward if you will trust Me for it, if you will refuse to give up, if you will refuse to let go of My hand, if you will refuse to give up in your prayer life and in that word that I have given unto you. I say I will watch over it. I will bring it to pass and you will become all that I have created you to be; for you are called with a holy calling and you can do it says the Lord.
For this is the hour the Lord is drawing out of the people, out of the depth of your being, out of the very depth of your being says the Lord. I will bring out of you more than you ever thought was even within you. For I declare that I have an investment in you and you are honorable in my sight and I will pour out of your life into the lives of many. I will cause righteousness to prevail and I will cause holiness to indwell you and I will cause the anointing of God to flow out from your life and you will know that I Am is in your midst. And you will know that I have chosen you and that you are precious in My sight. For I say I will move mountains in your behalf and I will cause hidden things to come to light because you are mine and I have chosen you. I have called you and I declare you can do all things for I will strengthen you. I will cause you to be able to overcome every hindrance because it is within you, says the Lord.
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