Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Built By Brokenness

Written by admin

Broken…..and into the trash it often goes, in our disposable society. In years past broken things were not so quickly thrown out, but rather repaired when possible.
Consider for a moment a broken human life. Are we apt to discard that? Consider the difference when brokenness is acknowledged and brought to the Master. Can He remake the pot? Can He rebuild a life? Sure, it takes time and effort to repair or rebuild anything broken. Take this study to learn about the possibility of brokenness and its results in your own life and the lives of those around you.

Related Links
Broken on the Back Row
Pearls Are For Tears
Born to Fly

1. What things or events in life can leave you wounded and feeling broken? More thoughts...
2. How has your life been affected by brokenness? What is the best way to deal with brokenness? More thoughts...
3. Think of and list some ways that you can recover from your brokenness. How are you doing? Are you recovering, or still feeling very wounded and wondering how you can go on? More thoughts...
4. Times of suffering or brokenness are difficult; can you think of any positive outcomes during such times? How might your view of God change for the positive or the negative because of what you have gone through? More thoughts...
5. Times of brokenness can bring us to or closer to God. Describe how God can give you strength during times of suffering and brokenness, or describe what areas of growth might look like for you. More thoughts...
6. List some ways that you could be resisting the work of God in your life through what you are experiencing. More thoughts...
7. Why do times of suffering build our character or cause us to become bitter? List some ways that your suffering has helped you grow as a person or ways that is has caused you to become bitter. More thoughts...
8. How can times of suffering be used to help others? More thoughts...
9. What additional thoughts or questions do you have on this study?
10. Please pray for me in these areas:
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