Thursday, 7 June 2012

God’s clock and timing are always crucially important

Jesus goes on to develop this whole theme and we have Christ’s last public sermon and teaching, recorded by John in Chapter 12. 

Jesus is saying – before I go to the Greeks – before I go to the Gentiles – I am going to the cross. I have to die. The hour is approaching. The road My Father has willed me to walk is the road of personal sacrifice. If I came to you Greeks now, that would be a short term policy.

These are Christ’s last words to the public, and in verse 26 it is an ultimatum.

The hour had come. God’s clock is important. God’s timing is vital. It was nearing the end of Jesuslife, and this coming hour was to become the pivotal point of all human affairs.

It is good to be sufficiently sensitive enough to God to know that God’s Hour has come for you to do his will.
Gone are the parables and gone are the lovely stories. It is time for the final challenge. It is not enough just to see Jesus, or even to have Jesus among you. It has to be more than just wanting to see Jesus. We have to want to serve him, and want to obey him, more than you want to do anything else in the whole world.

Some people say – “If only I could hear God’s voice. If only I could see this person, Jesus Christ.” That would not make the situation any easier.

The devil saw Jesus Christ but that did not do him any good.

Through these verses Jesus is saying to us – do not just want to see me and have me around – but want to follow me and go where I want you to go – and want to serve me and obey me and stay with me. Abide with me. Remain with me.

In verse 26, Jesus says to these men who had come with a plea or prayer – I am not coming with you – but you can come with me and follow me and serve me, and, if any man follows me, my Father will honour him.

There come times when some requests have to be renounced and when some invitations have to be declined and in the Name of Jesus Christ a disciple has to learn to say “NO”, and to know when to say “NO and mean “NO”, and when to say “YES” and mean “YES”.

Verse 27 – Jesus realised fully that death is only a few hours away. He almost shrinks from it here. He was a real man – fully human – and we are being given a glimpse of something of the mental agony through which Jesus Christ went. There are times when we cannot escape this type of thing either. Such an inner conflict is not necessarily a sinful thing.

The best thing to do when you are in this type of trouble is say “Father” – and yet it appears as though Jesus is being tempted to say, “I am willing to do anything but this”.

What is going to be the deciding factor in certain situations?

Is it going to be my ease – my comfort – my safety – my happiness – or His Glory?

Jesus Christ comes to that point where He says, “Father, I am willing to do what is Your Will, so that your name may be glorified.” “Father, glorify your name.”

God replied and answered the prayer of His beloved Son. “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” Some thought it thundered. Some thought it was an angel. 

When God speaks at times to rebuke unbelief, it can sound like thunder in your heart and soul. It can be frightening. “He has almost spoken things that are true.” People feel that. Avoid having to hear the voice of God coming to you like thunder. Others hear the voice and thought it was an angel speaking to Jesus.

Jesus makes it very clear. It is My Father who is speaking, not for my benefit but for yours. God speaks and to some it is like frightening thunder, and they may wish there had been no sound and that they had not heard the voice of God.

God speaks too and some may think He is speaking to someone else. God speaks and Jesus has to make it clear. This is to benefit you. This is to minister to you. This is to guide you. This is to reassure you. This is for your ears and your heart and your life. Jesus is so concerned to do things for others and meet the various needs of needy people.

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