I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. Song of Solomon 2:1
It's June, the month of roses. Nothing is more beautiful than the gradual unfolding of a rosebud into its full glory. Each petal unfurls, layer by layer, revealing ever-increasing loveliness. At each stage you say to yourself, "How could it be more beautiful? Right now it's at its best. I've got to get my camera!"
When I consider the way God reveals His glory to us, I picture a rose. In Genesis, the bud of God's plan opened just enough to show the promise of salvation. Through successive chapters of history, the bloom opened more and more before the wondering eyes of God's people. One glory followed another. God's glory as a warrior striking Egypt with plagues... God's glory at Mt. Sinai with trumpet, quaking earth and laws for living... His glory blazing between the Cheribum in the wilderness tabernacle... His glory filling the temple of Solomon. At each stage, as the rose unfurled petal by petal, there were probably those who reasoned, "This is the ultimate. It can't get any better!"
But, finally, the glory of God was fully revealed, and His name was Jesus. John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh and lived for awhile among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son...." It was certainly no mistake that Jesus was called "the Rose of Sharon." (Sharon is the celebrated plain from Joppa to Caesarea, between the hill-country and the sea, and travelers have remarked the abundance of flowers with which this plain is still carpeted in spring).
God wants to reveal His glory to you. Jesus lives in you and as you take time to draw closer to Him today, He will unfold Himself to you. At times you will think, "It doesn't get any better." But it will.
Lord Jesus, I take time today to inhale the fragrance of your nearness. My eyes linger on your beauty. You are altogether lovely.
Joni and Friends
Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
Taken from Pearls of Great Price. Copyright © 2006 by Joni Eareckson Tada. Used by permission. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530
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