Monday, 10 September 2012

Signs of The Times

Written by Rev. Daniel Forster

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“Thus says the LORD: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.”  (Jeremiah 17:5-6, ESV)

In our over stimulating world it is very easy to dismiss and put off “signs” as they are identified in the Bible. It is easy to dismiss these things when so many around us mock them, or we see an overzealous TV preacher tying to shove it down our throats. Yet, if we live our lives by what others say, how others act, how others feel, or even by the majority, we are living our lives for man, and not for our God. We need to seek answers to our doubts, troubles, temptations in His living and true word.

We can’t trust ourselves, nor can we rely on our own strength. It is a deception, a lie. Whether we want to believe it or not, there is a devil loose in our world and he loves to deceive us and manipulate us and lie.
I live in the Midwest and right now we are experiencing one of the worst droughts in years. Some claim global warming as the cause, others write it off as something that just happens every 50 years or so. Most just ignore it and go on with their lives, thinking that if it does not directly affect them…it ain’t their problem. Folks, these are the effects of something else. It is not the root of the problem. In the same chapter of Jeremiah, the Lord tells us to take root in Him before we find ourselves taking root in something else.
We want to tackle the problems in our society, in our world. God says to trust only in Him, to let our lives be so deeply rooted in Him that even in the year of drought, we will still bear fruit.  Our neighbors and our loved ones will continue to fall for the snares and traps of the enemy, for all too many of us put our trust in something other than the Lord our God. So what are we to do? We are to remain firm and planted in His word and let Him produce fruit through us!
God uses these signs to bring awareness to a lost generation. We cannot on our own accord lead someone back out of the wilderness no matter how much we want to, or how hard we try. We must be rooted deeply and firmly in Jesus, for only by Him and in Him are we saved.
Today, let the signs lead us to seek His Word more. Let it be a wake-up call for us to take root in our Lord and not in man and his ways. Let us use these signs as an open door to bring God into the lives of people who are lost. Let us lay ourselves down, and pray.
Father, We cry out to you Lord. Let us turn from our flesh and take root in you. Amen

Question: How can God use you to share His good news? Is it with a neighbor, a friend, a loved one?

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