"Sexually entitled" could be a soft-core description of a hockey team out of control and drunk on victory and its trappings, according to a report obtained by the Boston Globe. The newspaper describes a debauched Boston University hockey teamto which victories -- and academic and criminal troubles -- came easily.
A task force commissioned by BU President Robert A. Brown reviewed the culture, academic quality and disciplinary history of the hockey team after two players were accused of separate instances of sexual assault within the 2011-12 academic year. Brown released its findings on the university's website but didn't release interviews and evidence. University officials said it was to protect the privacy of students interviewed in confidence.

Instead, the Globe filed a Freedom of Information Act for the report and received it on Thursday. The documents described a late-night party at the hockey arena after the Terriers won the 2009 national championship. Guests boozed from kegs and took slapshots naked from the ice and had sex in the penalty box.
"It was insane," says a student quoted within the report.
Brown blames a cocktail of beer and success.
"[E]xcessive alcohol consumption has played a role in the majority of the instances of alleged sexual assault or other inappropriate behavior that have been identified through the work of the Task Force,” Brown said in a statement to the community.
The report adds that , "a culture of sexual entitlement exists among some players on the men's ice hockey team, stemming in part from their elevated social status on campus."
Students interviewed gave more graphic descriptions of one player shoving his hands down a female's pants even as she punched him. Players called sexual encounters "kills." In one interview, a player stopped just short of saying that players didn't ask for consent when drunk and didn't grasp the seriousness of his teammates formal sexual assault charges.
Coach Jack Parker, a college hockey legend who has coached the five-time national championship winning Terriers for four decades, suggested there is little for which he is responsible, telling interviewers he knew little of the late-night party and, as a hockey coach, had no responsibility to advocate chastity.
Boston University officials ultimately decided to demote Parker, who holds two positions at the university. He'll stay on as head coach but will lose his title as executive athletic director, according to The Boston Herald. The report found that the two titles conflicted and said there was not sufficient oversight of the hockey program.
Parker issued a statement, saying the report's recommendations and corroborating recommendations from a probe by the NCAA were "accurate."