If Timothy’s grandmother Lois had not beenfaithful in passing on her faith to her daughter Eunice and her grandson Timothy we probably would not have First and Second Timothy in the Bible today. This is a good generational example of the importance of passing on the faith to future generations. Lois is our forerunner who modeled grandmothering for us.
Isn’t it interesting that nowhere in the Bible does it say that the church has the primary responsibility to pass on our faith to the next generation? It makes clear that parents and grandparents are the principal conduit to instruct their children about God and His love for them.
Mother and Grandmother’s role
The role of godly mothers and grandmothers is to communicate their faith in Jesus Christ and pray diligently for their children. We are also to tell future generations how God has walked with us and demonstrated His mighty works in our lives. God is waiting for us to ask Him for opportunities of how to be a godly influence for our children. He has given us the responsibility to set a positive example. We do affect our children and grandchildren one way or another, in a positive or negative fashion.
In Proverbs 27:19, we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”(NLT) What does the reflection of our “real person” look like? When we are committed to read and meditate on God’s word, we will reflect a life transformed into His image. As we invest in our own walk with the Lord, we are spiritually investing in the lives of our grandchildren by modeling a godly example. As spiritual role models, we can demonstrate the reality of our faith by walking with God through both the storms and sunny days of our lives.
The greatest gift
We love to give gifts to our children. The greatest and most lasting gift we can give them is to be their prayer intercessor, affecting and imprinting their generation with God’s faithfulness. The material things we leave our children are temporary; however, our prayers and examples can make a significant impact on them for a lifetime. Our greatest blessings will come when we see God answering our prayers in their lives. We may die before we see the answers to our prayers, they will not be cancelled when we go to heaven. They will outlive us.
With the pressure on families today, our children need our hugs, reassurance, and wisdom more than ever. It is also imperative for us to communicate to our children and grandchildren that we love them and accept them, even though we may not accept their behavior. In today’s broken world, Satan’s purpose is to destroy the family. It is important that we, as grandmothers, pray God will give the mothers and fathers of our dear children godly wisdom in the monumental task of teaching and guiding our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord.
Do your children and grandchildren see an authenticity and sincerity about you in your relationship with God? What a blessing it would be for me to hear my children and grandchildren say, “I want to have a relationship with the Lord like my mother and grandmother modeled for me.” I hope I can say in the years to come, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children and grandchildren are walking in the truth.” (3 John 1:4)
Ask yourself:
• What kind of memories will my children and grandchildren have of me?
• Do I want my children and grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?
• Will they want my Jesus?
• Do I want my children and grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?
• Will they want my Jesus?
Dear Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to be in your word or modeled the life of a godly mother or grandmother. Help me to take the time to read and meditate on your word every day so I will reflect your face in the heart of my children and grandchildren. Help me to be a godly example, teaching them to live lives
of truth with integrity, authenticity, and seriousness. Help me to give sound, wise, wholesome counsel and guidance, encouraging my them to know and follow Christ wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Take the next step:
7 Ways to pray for your grandkids today
Buy: The Adventures of Jesus for Children
What a joy it is to have that precious little grandchild come running into your arms with hugs and kisses. The six-year-old granddaughter calling to tell you she lost her first tooth or your seven-year-old grandson excited about making his first goal in his soccer game.
In addition to the senior discounts, grandchildren are one of the rewards of growing older. Mary H. Waldrip says it well, “Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.”
I grew up in a Midwest rural community many years ago. I didn’t encounter the temptations and pressures my grandchildren are facing today in this media driven culture. Our society is teetering on the brink of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. I pray for protection from the evil deception in the world.
I have nine grandchildren, ages ranging from three years to twenty-five years. As a long-distance grandmother for many years, I was not fully aware of my grandchildren’s immediate needs. I prayed that God would bless them, give them good health and protection.Ultimately, I became frustrated and felt something was lacking with my vague and general prayers. I asked God to show me how to become more deliberate in praying for them.
After reading Grandma, I Need Your Prayers by Quin Sherrer & Ruthanne Garlock, and When Mothers Pray by Cheri Fuller, prayers for my grandchildren changed dramatically. The books were full of practical advice, encouraging me to use specific scriptures in praying, motivating me to pray regularly and specifically for their emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
I want to share some of the practical advice I pursued.
I developed a Photo Prayer Journal in a three-ring binder with a section for each grandchild. Each section had a profile sheet with the grandchild’s picture and information about their school, church, friends, and activities. This is followed with several blank pages on which I record my prayer concerns, hopes, and dreams for the grandchild.
God’s Word became a manual for learning how to pray more effectively for my grandchildren. Praying scripture unleashes the supernatural power of God in their lives. When I pray according to God’s Word, I am in line with His will. As I started claiming God’s promises and personalizing the scriptures for them, I experienced more confidence and boldness in my prayer life.
New channels of communication opened with my older grandchildren when I asked how I could pray for them. For the younger children I consulted with their parents to keep abreast of specific concerns. Then I was able to pray more specifically for them.
Paul tells us in Romans 8:26 that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know what to pray for. The Holy Spirit knows the needs of my grandchildren so I ask him to intercede according to His will. It is comforting to me that I can put my concerns in God’s hand, leaving them with Him. It shifts the burden to God, instead of carrying it myself
The love I have for my grandchildren would like to control their lives and keep them from pain, disappointment, or discouragement. Humanly, I want to rescue them and pray, “Don’t let anything bad happen to them.” To which the Lord may say, “I need to allow disappointment, pain, and failure so they will learn to trust and obey me so I can pour my blessings on them.” It’s important I pray for God’s will in their lives.
God has created my grandchildren for a unique purpose. I pray they will discover their dreams, be motivated to pursue them, and trust He will provide the resources.
I want to share part of a letter from my married granddaughter. It is a confirmation that praying for these precious grandchildren is never a wasted effort. She wrote, “My grandmother’s phone calls, cards, and emails were encouraging and made a significant impact on my life throughout my teenage and college years. Her prayers and encouragement have been rock-solid reminders of God’s truth. Amidst my crazy and incredibly life-shaping year, her prayers helped me surrender the craziness of my life to God.”
My prayers for my grandchildren have strengthened my relationships with them. The Photo Prayer Album has been an excellent tool for me to stay connected to them. Whether they live nearby or far away, praying for them intentionally keeps me in touch. Often my prayers can be more powerful than my presence, when I let them know I am praying for them.
Best of all, praying God’s Word has enabled me to pray with His power, direction, and wisdom. As their grandparent, I can have a major role in stabilizing and influencing their lives by praying for them during these turbulent years. It has given me fulfillment and satisfaction in praying for them.
The seeds of prayer we plant today will yield a harvest of blessing in the future. My prayer is that you have been challenged to pray strategically and deliberately for your grandchildren. In Isaiah 44:3 God told the Israelites, “I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendents.” God still promises to pour out his Spirit and blessings on our descendents. Don’t we want that for our grandchildren and future descendents?
The greatest long-lasting gift we can give our grandchildren is the gift of our time and prayers.
Lillian Penner
Buy: The Adventures of Jesus for Children
Finding Joy in Praying for my Grandchildren
In addition to the senior discounts, grandchildren are one of the rewards of growing older. Mary H. Waldrip says it well, “Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.”
I grew up in a Midwest rural community many years ago. I didn’t encounter the temptations and pressures my grandchildren are facing today in this media driven culture. Our society is teetering on the brink of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. I pray for protection from the evil deception in the world.
After reading Grandma, I Need Your Prayers by Quin Sherrer & Ruthanne Garlock, and When Mothers Pray by Cheri Fuller, prayers for my grandchildren changed dramatically. The books were full of practical advice, encouraging me to use specific scriptures in praying, motivating me to pray regularly and specifically for their emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
I want to share some of the practical advice I pursued.
I developed a Photo Prayer Journal in a three-ring binder with a section for each grandchild. Each section had a profile sheet with the grandchild’s picture and information about their school, church, friends, and activities. This is followed with several blank pages on which I record my prayer concerns, hopes, and dreams for the grandchild.
God’s Word became a manual for learning how to pray more effectively for my grandchildren. Praying scripture unleashes the supernatural power of God in their lives. When I pray according to God’s Word, I am in line with His will. As I started claiming God’s promises and personalizing the scriptures for them, I experienced more confidence and boldness in my prayer life.
New channels of communication opened with my older grandchildren when I asked how I could pray for them. For the younger children I consulted with their parents to keep abreast of specific concerns. Then I was able to pray more specifically for them.
A primary prayer for all my grandchildren is that they will come to realize how much God loves them: That God will always be there for them, and they will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and spend eternity with Him.
Paul tells us in Romans 8:26 that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know what to pray for. The Holy Spirit knows the needs of my grandchildren so I ask him to intercede according to His will. It is comforting to me that I can put my concerns in God’s hand, leaving them with Him. It shifts the burden to God, instead of carrying it myself
The love I have for my grandchildren would like to control their lives and keep them from pain, disappointment, or discouragement. Humanly, I want to rescue them and pray, “Don’t let anything bad happen to them.” To which the Lord may say, “I need to allow disappointment, pain, and failure so they will learn to trust and obey me so I can pour my blessings on them.” It’s important I pray for God’s will in their lives.
God has created my grandchildren for a unique purpose. I pray they will discover their dreams, be motivated to pursue them, and trust He will provide the resources.
- It is important for me to communicate to my grandchildren that I love them and accept them even though I may not accept their behavior. I like to call them on the phone; send cards for holidays, note cards, or e-cards to offer encouragement, and let them know I love them and pray for them.
I want to share part of a letter from my married granddaughter. It is a confirmation that praying for these precious grandchildren is never a wasted effort. She wrote, “My grandmother’s phone calls, cards, and emails were encouraging and made a significant impact on my life throughout my teenage and college years. Her prayers and encouragement have been rock-solid reminders of God’s truth. Amidst my crazy and incredibly life-shaping year, her prayers helped me surrender the craziness of my life to God.”
My prayers for my grandchildren have strengthened my relationships with them. The Photo Prayer Album has been an excellent tool for me to stay connected to them. Whether they live nearby or far away, praying for them intentionally keeps me in touch. Often my prayers can be more powerful than my presence, when I let them know I am praying for them.
Best of all, praying God’s Word has enabled me to pray with His power, direction, and wisdom. As their grandparent, I can have a major role in stabilizing and influencing their lives by praying for them during these turbulent years. It has given me fulfillment and satisfaction in praying for them.
The seeds of prayer we plant today will yield a harvest of blessing in the future. My prayer is that you have been challenged to pray strategically and deliberately for your grandchildren. In Isaiah 44:3 God told the Israelites, “I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendents.” God still promises to pour out his Spirit and blessings on our descendents. Don’t we want that for our grandchildren and future descendents?
The greatest long-lasting gift we can give our grandchildren is the gift of our time and prayers.
Lillian Penner
Lillian Penner and her husband, John have been married for 49 years and currently reside in Oregon. They have three married sons and nine grandchildren. Lillian has been active in church ministry for 45 years and has led a “Heart to Heart” mentoring program for women,participated in a short term missions trip to Ukraine, and volunteersfor several Christian ministries. Currently, she participates in the leadership of a women’s Bible study in her home church and is the National Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network.
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