Sunday, 4 November 2012


By Site Manager

Are men truly attracted to pregnant women? The answer is simple; it depends on the man. There’s always two sides to a story and this is no different. Some people believe that men are more attracted to pregnant women because of natural instinct dating back to the cavemen days.
Cavemen were more attracted to women who were seen as fertile, because their goal was to pass their genes onto a son. This is similar to natural selection with animals. Thank goodness we live in a new world, because they would fight or even kill for women that could get pregnant.

What is so beautiful about a woman being pregnant? Is it her glow, or is it simply the way she looks? During pregnancy, men may be attracted to their partners because certain features begin to increase such as the buttocks, and chest. Attraction also could be enhanced because love tends to increase when your partner is carrying something both of you created. However, many will argue the sexual attraction comes from seeing your wife in a different light. Many men see their partner being pregnant as seeing a new her, and also a new and kind of taboo way of having sex. What do you think?

The other side of the story is some men will not touch their partners as they begin to show. They have a fear of hurting the baby even when the doctor said that it is alright. For the macho guys that believe they have extremely gifted private parts, the baby still won’t be harmed. The cervix will only allow sperm, menstrual blood, and the process of birth to pass through. If a male is oversized, nothing harmful to the baby will happen. The only possible thing that could occur is discomfort for the woman, caused by bruising of the cervix. So it’s up to the woman to tell her partner and give directions to be more gentle and not so rough.

Important facts about why women are beautiful when they are pregnant. Pregnant women have a certain glow and beauty about them. Embrace your partner during this crucial and challenging time; after all she is carrying your child. However, it is also alright to be cautious and possibly not liking the look of pregnancy. But as a partner you have to be supportive of the other and not make her feel like she is overweight and not sexy. The partner’s main job is the support system, and not the destroyer. Even if you don’t like the way your partner looks or if you are afraid of hurting her or the baby, fake it, give her what she wants. She knows her body and you must put your faith in her and her doctors.


My mission is to provide valuable and reliable information to pregnant women, pre and post pregnant women, about potential dangers but also, more importantly, the steps to ensure a healthy, happy pregnancy.

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