Are wives moving mountains?
Are you actively throwing mountains into the sea or are you trying to climb over them?
Think of mountains as trials or barricades, standing in your way! They are huge, overwhelmingly huge, and it may even seem impossible to get past… but we have something bigger than the mountains in our life, we have Jesus! Our faith in Jesus can get us through any trial in our life. Jesus says we can basically pick it up and toss it to the side. He makes it sound so simple:)
Its all about perspective! We can look at the mountain with worry, stress and complain; some of us may even try climbing the mountain, wasting energy and taking more time out of your day than you really need to spend on it. We should be able to see mountains as Jesus does, a tangible, weightless, moveable object that can be cast aside.
It is dependent on our faith! Is our faith in God greater than the trial?
Jesus says, “If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer!” Its time we start believing and praying! Speak to the trials in your life and let them know that YOUR GOD IS BIGGER! Amen?!
Here are a few trials that marriages can face:
-Financial unstability
-Lack of Intimacy
Add in the comments the mountain you are facing in marriage and a prayer to cast it into the sea:)
About Unveiled Wife
Unveiled Wife launched in March of 2011. I first began this blog to share with other wives the struggles and the healing I encountered in my first few years of marriage. By God’s grace it has grown into much more than I could ever have imagined, reaching women from all around the world joined together in our community of almost 60,000.
I believe that if you want a thriving marriage, you must be intentional about it.
My passion motivating every post is to encourage other women in their role as a wife, focusing on the foundational principles about marriage revealed throughout the Bible. I write on faith, marriage and motherhood… and the occasional random post that may not fit perfectly into one of those categories.
My goal is to create an atmosphere where women feel safe to share their marriage experiences, find encouragement and affirm each other.
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