Friday, 26 April 2013

Them Bones

Written by Gail Morris

Are you waiting for God to answer your prayer? Today’s exercise will give you a fresh perspective as you wait on God. 
“He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out.” (Ezekiel 37:2, NLT)
For several months now I’ve had health issues from the neck up.  I’ve had issues with my ears, eyes and teeth.  I’m feeling particularly weary of the mess and continue to pray for resolutions. Reading Ezekiel this morning, I found myself reading Ezekiel 37:2.  This verse describes my current situation.
But despite this dry bone period, I remain hopeful. I’m weary, but hopeful. I know this season will not last forever. Whether I’m healed on this earth or in heaven, I’m certain it will end. How do I know? God’s promises appear throughout His word.

Prophet Ezekiel is shown by the Lord that dry bones live again. A few verses later in Ezekiel 37: 5-6 we read, “Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life.” During this weary period, I cling to these verses.
In those moments when I wonder, “Why me? Why now?” I look to Ezekiel 37:14 for the answer.“Then you will know that I am the Lord.” Yes! There it is. There is hope and truth and light. I can take action and move forward but the Lord is in charge of mending the broken areas—both physically and spiritually.
What a glorious day it will be when we are all healed of our afflictions, when there are no more tears, no more physical or heartfelt pain. I am tired of the weeks of medications, the doctor bills and the physical pain, but I continue to hope and know that these dry bones will live again.
God in Heaven, You know that I am dust, and to dust I will return. But You have breathed life into me and I know that I am here on purpose. This is no accident. I pray that You would pour out your love on my dry and dusty places. Where I am frustrated, saturate me with Your patience. Where my heart or my body is broken, knit me back together. Where my hope has dried up, help me to soak in the truth that my future is secure in You. Thank you for the incredible gift of Your presence in my life, every moment of every day. In your name I pray, Amen
Questions: What ails you today? Can you place it on his lap and move forward in the hope of Him?

Gail Morris

Gail Morris is a single woman who resides in Cowtown, otherwise known as Fort Worth, Texas. When she's not pursuing God's heart and her writing passion, she's chasing rare birds across America. Visit and follow on Twitter @GodGirlGail as she shines God's light on natural wonders. 


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