Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Why Did God Make You a Woman?

The Creation of Woman -
Why Did God Bother?

It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone. ~Genesis 2:18

creation of woman- young woman
What was God's real plan for the creation of woman? Couldn’t we have all just been men?

I don’t know if you can relate, but these are questions that often crossed my mind in years past.

In many societies across the world, it often seems like women get the short end of the proverbial stick. Even in Jesus' time, there was a Jewish prayer where men praised God that they were not a gentile, a dog, or a woman!

But, what was God's original plan? Why did He create us in the first place? 

Why Did God Make You a Woman?

To Fix a Serious Problem

Now the Lord God said, 
It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; 
I will make him a helper meet 
(suitable, adapted, complementary) for him. 
-Genesis 2:18(Amplified)

Of course, I am NOT implying that Christian Single women have no place in God's plan. All women have a vital purpose as you will discover more and more throughout this course. But to understand our true intent, we must look at where the first thought of women appeared.

It is amazing to think that, in the entire story of creation, this is the only time that God says "It is not good."

creation of woman rocks and stream
And the earth
brought forth grass, 
and herb yielding seed
... and God saw that 
it was good.-Genesis 1:12

And God made two great lights; 
the greater light 
to rule the day, 
and the lesser light 
to rule the night...
and God saw that 
it was good. -Genesis 1:16-18

Genesis continues on describing the beauty and wonder of God calling all creation into being.

And, as they say, "it was all good!"

But, all of a sudden, there was trouble in paradise!

Something was not good.

It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory)
that the man should be alone.
-Genesis 2:18

Enters you - Woman. The answer to the problem.

Women's Bible Study Course

Lesson 1: The Creation of Woman

Reflection Questions

1. How does it feel to know that you were God's answer to His problem?
2. Are there times in your life when you have felt like a woman was more of a problem than an answer? Why or why not?

But, why was it not good for man to be alone? And couldn't other men have kept Adam company? 

And what in the world is a help meet anyways? Find out the answer to these questions and more in Lesson 2.

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