Sunday, 23 June 2013


The other day I was looking through the aisle of the CVS store when suddenly arms from behind were embracing me. I turned quickly to find a young lady that worked there that had attended the women's crusade in April. 

 It was indeed a pleasure to see her and most of all wanting to hear how she was doing. She had been powerfully touched at the crusade and The Lord delivered her from some serious issues, but the look on her face the her body language quickly revealed the state she was in. So I asked, " how are you doing?" She proceeded to fill me in on the raging battle that she was in and how difficult it had been for her. 

But, I loved the ending comment; "I refuse to give up and lose what God did for me at the crusade." Well, enough said, that's it! I told her she had just scored at that moment because what she spoke out of her mouth has the power to keep her free.

Often we experience a great touch of God and then as quickly as it came, the enemy will set you up to lose it. Just like this girl, we can receive much, but it takes an effort to keep it. My mind drifts back to an ole song I used to sing; "You may be down and feel like God has somehow forgotten, that you are faced with circumstances you can't get through, and right now it seems there's no way out and you're going under, but time and again He'll do it for you. He'll do it again!" Wow, right now someone needed to read that verse. No matter what we go through God will be there to see us through.

At the end of our brief but intense visit, she was flying high again, just because she was reminded of what God had done and is still doing in her. We joined hands right there in the CVS and prayed. That worried, weary look that I had been greeted with was now replaced with a big ole smile and a fresh determination to keep going. 

Praise God! Whenever you feel like what you had is gone, or your overwhelmed with life's problems, just remember, "He'll do it again." Just reach up.....Believe and Receive!!

From my Heart,
Dr. Shelia 

Dr. Shelia Isom Biography
Dr. Shelia Isom is a licensed and ordained Revivalist. She is a comical, dynamic speaker, with a preaching style that has been defined as bold, fresh and exhilarating. Her ambition is to bring unity to diverse races and denominations in the body of Christ.

Dr. Isom delivers her messages with passion and strives to impart a desire for revival to those she ministers to. Her gifting as a Revivalist is expressed by the anointing that she carries, to usher in recovery to the church body.  Dr. Isom strives for high integrity, character and excellence. She believes that authenticity is the true design of a life consecrated to Christ.  She believes that prayer is the foundation that builds a ministry of power, anointing and authority, and is the result of needs being met. Dr. Isom carefully evaluates each invitation, and seeks to go wherever a difference can be made. It's more than just an invitation, but it is an assignment where people's needs and desire for revival are priority.
Before establishing her own ministry, Dr. Isom served in various leadership roles in her local church, working under the direction of her senior pastor for 25 years. She served as praise and worship leader for 12 years and later followed the call to youth pastor, which she served for 5 years.  She has been intricately involved with church leadership and the operation of ministry throughout her years in the church.
She leaves behind a career as a registered nurse in emergency nursing and nursing instructing. Dr. Isom earned a Bachelor and Masters Degree from, Christian Life School of Theology. She earned a Doctorate of Ministry from Moriah Institute of Christian Studies, Fayetteville, NC, where she presently serves as an instructor. Dr. Isom has authored 2 books and released a music CD in 2003. She was a programmer for 5 years with The Sky Angel Network. Her program, Experiencing Revival, was seen twice weekly and reached an estimated 12 million homes. Her ministry travels have taken her nationally and internationally. 

Presently, Shelia Isom Ministries presents, Experiencing Revival Crusades in various locations. For more information on the next up-coming crusade, go to events page.
Dr. Isom is married to Garry Steven Isom and they reside in Danville, VA.

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