Saturday, 15 June 2013

Testimonial Archives

Real People. Real Inspiring Stories

Here are a few testimonies from people who have encountered the supernatural of God through our programs and the web site:

I Had an Acute Case of Asthma
"I have listened to [your Healing CD] every day, for about 4 months. I had an acute case of asthma and had been coughing up mucus for over a year.

I have had a breakthrough! I am no longer on the inhaler! I can breathe without sounding like a wind tunnel. I have also learned how to worship God day is not complete until I listen and confess the word with Sid. Praise God!"

I Had Never Expected to Be Healed
"I had never expected to be healed until I watched your show. I started watching whenever I could find the show on and started truly believing and expecting a miracle. 
Then in February 2010, on Friday the 12th, I experienced pain in my neck. Fearing that I was possibly having heart symptoms (heart disease is in my family), I went to a hospital emergency room closest to my workplace.

They decided to do a CT scan. While I was in the middle of the test I could feel myself having a stroke. I called out, "Jesus, help me I'm scared." The doctors immediately stopped the test and brought me back to the emergency room. There my boyfriend prayed over me. Even though my speech was now slurred and my left hand was curled up, I just knew I would be okay. A neurologist then came in the room. WHILE HE WAS TALKING TO ME my speech cleared, and when he asked me to squeeze his hand with my left hand, I found I could!

The paralysis had ceased, and all the other symptoms vanished as well. They did another scan; this time they found damage about the size of an M&M candy and called it a miracle. Each specialist said I should have had a total brain bleed, but it was as if the bleeding was cauterized and stopped.

I credit Jesus with this, and after 2 years, am now totally free of symptoms. I am a walking and talking testimony of the love the Lord has for me. I want to credit your show because without it I'm not even sure I would have known I could be healed this way.

Praise the Lord for Sid Roth and for all the wonderful messages he is spreading."

You Helped Me See God Is Real
"I'm 19 and got saved at 16. When I first got saved your show was here to guide and help me grow in the Word and the supernatural of God. It was like your show really helped me to see God was real even though our minds can't imagine Him hearing, seeing and knowing everything that He does. The show helped me to see He cares for us all. It's like the testimonies I heard gave me such great faith and made me want to live in holiness and righteousness. I just want you to know what you have done is not in vain."

My Hip Had Been Hurting for Months
"One morning while watching your show It's Supernatural!, you said at the end of the show, 'This is totally unexpected. Somebody's hip has just been healed.' My hip had been hurting for months and I had to limp sometimes. After you said those words, I got up from the couch and discovered that my hip pain was gone! That was maybe a year ago and it has not come back since. Glory to God. Thank you, Sid."

Prayers Answered! 
"I was blessed by the show where Kerry Kirkwood was a guest. Since hearing that show I have been implementing the practice of blessing more. Last week I submitted a prayer request online on your website. I was rear-ended by an 18 wheeler last year on the way to a funeral and injured my back. I subsequently had surgery and had a number of outstanding bills. I started trying to get my claim settled in April and the insurance company would not make an offer or budge. I hired an attorney and that didn't seem to help. I prayed and asked God to be my attorney. I started praying and blessing the claims adjuster that was over my claim. I sent my prayer request to you guys last Wednesday I believe. On Friday evening I got a call from my attorney. Not only did they make an offer to settle my claim, but my attorney was in shock. She could not believe how much they are offering. She told me that God must be looking down on me. I told her more or less that indeed He was. I thank God for answering my prayer. I have been sowing seeds and believing God to get out of debt. It will soon come to fruition. Praise Adonai who lives and reigns forever and ever."

Hand Pain Gone! 
"I was watching...Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and there was a remarkable lady Ruth Fazal playing violin. I just opened my arms out and started praying hearing the music. I have been experiencing pain in my left hand (fingers) and feared if I was coming into arthritis.  I started stretching my fingers and kept praying and felt a difference and since then the pain is gone! I praise God and it is indeed supernatural power of the the way I was watching the programme from Colombo, Sri Lanka."

Father's Blessing 
"...John Waller was Sid's guest. In the interview, John said that he 'blesses' men as he leads worship.  He likened this to the 'Jewish Blessing' and stated that many men have never been blessed by their fathers...My heart sort of sighed, 'I wish my father had done that for me.'  A few hours later after work, I walked in the door of my house and noticed that a packet had arrived in the mail from my dad...The note said, 'Chris let me know if you see value in this teaching'  The book was titled, Imparting the Blessing to Your Children: Your Biblical Heritage (What the Patriarchs Knew) by William T. Ligon Jr. I was blown away that God answered a sigh, not even a prayer but a sigh from my heart.  I called Dad and told him about the show and timing of this.  He asked permission to bless me so I said yes."

Healed of a Hernia! 
"...I had hernia surgery and had healed so well that I forgot I'm not a young man. I'm 73! But I lifted something heavy and my hernia became very painful again. I called the doctor to schedule an appointment...I was watching your program - and they were translating the Russian very nicely.  He was saying, 'someone is being healed of a hernia!' I jumped up and praised pain was gone! When I went to the doctor he said there was nothing there - no problem.  Thank you for your program!  Hallelujah!"

Ministry Letter Blessing 
"As I read a letter from your ministry, something great happened. The Holy Spirit hit so hard! I started to pray for myself and my husband and felt God's healing come into our lives. Thank you for your prayers. I will never forget this beautiful healing experience!"

Tormented For Years 
"I had been tormented for years by a spirit of heaviness in the early morning.I had been asking The Lord how to get rid of this and He just answered my prayer through Katie Souza's testimony. Thank You!"

Thyroid Gland Cancer Healed 
"I have received the word from your show with Jim Hockaday. The cancerous growth on my thyroid gland which has plagued my body for the past 2 years is healed!"

Translation in the Spirit 
"I was so excited to watch Bruce Allen discuss translation in the Spirit! I have prayed this for years. Never stop believing that He will do what He has promised His people! Thank you for your show."

Lack of Mobility Restored 
"When Jim Hockaday prayed, I put my hand on my neck and shoulder as instructed. Within 30 seconds all pain, discomfort and lack of mobility was gone forever. I had suffered since 1995. This is the first time someone has prayed for me with results!"

Pain In Hip
"I found the faith and relationship with God of Jim Hockaday amazing. He prayed and said to put your hand on the area that needed healing. For two months I had pain in my left hip and had trouble getting up to walk when sitting or laying down. A half hour after the show ended, the pain was gone! All Glory to God!"

Sinus Problems Gone!
"My faith was pumped up when I watched Sandra Kennedy. My sinuses were constantly infected. I spoke 4 times in faith and I was able to breathe, my fever disappeared and all signs were gone...within 30 minutes!"

Good Stuff
"Thanks for bringing the good stuff! Great interviews. Us older Christians are hungry for real "meat" and you are binging it to us! Thanks!"

Neck Back in Alignment
"Billy Burke was on the show and Sid said someone's neck in being healed. I claimed that word as mine and God put my neck back in alignment. Now I have no more pain in my neck."

Glory Cloud Blessing
"I had been under attack for several weeks when I heard Katie Souza. Katie spoke to so many of my issues I immediately bought her CD teaching. I received the glory cloud blessing and the attacks dissipated."

Blessing Many of Us In Ministry
"For the past 5 years I have used your website to keep me on the cutting edge of supernatural ministry. I am a pastor of a small church. I traveled to India and played 9 hours of your broadcasts while in route. The things I had been hearing started to happen in the meetings in India! Your website is blessing many of us in ministry to not be complacent but to press forward in supernatural ministry."

"Break Out and Break Through
"I watched Katie Souza on your show. Watching and hearing has exploded in my heart and given me the power to break out and break through what the enemy had been using to hold me back from all the victories I have been expecting."

I Got A New Hip
"When Sandra prayed for people with cancer on your show, I placed my hand on my hip while she prayed. After she finished, Sid said your hip is healed, you are getting a new hip. I have not had any problems with my hip since!"

Set Free From Schizophrenia
"After hearing Renny McLean on your show God opened up a new mind and world to me. I have been set free from Schizophrenia, healed from heart and gastric problems and the spirit of death. I thank God for saving me!"

Arthritis and Pain in Neck Gone!
"While watching Mr. Roth and Sandra Kennedy, Mr. Roth said someone's neck is being healed. I spoke out loud: I receive that in Jesus name! Instantly my neck was healed of arthritis and constant pain I have endured for almost 3 years. Pain, creaking and popping, all was gone! My joy was like a child!"

Healed Liver and Birth of Baby
"I delivered my baby supernaturally with no medication to the voice of Sid Roth and Alyosha's music. My liver was healed while watching a podcast where the guest spoke to someone's liver. My liver test came back clear just a few weeks after the show."

Now Training Teams of Leaders
"I started watching your show about 3 years ago and received many impartation's from your guests ministries. As a result, I am now training teams of leaders in China in many locations. Your ministry has been the most effective to encourage me. I see the same things happening in my ministry since receiving so much from your guests anointing in every realm of life!"

Growth on Wrist Gone!
"I was watching your program with Katie Souza. She was telling about the glory light and as she prayed for us, I touched my wrist and prayed with her. I later noticed that my wrist did not hurt and the growth was gone!"

Many Requests Answered for Mom
"I have submitted many prayer requests for my Mom. Praise God, all bleeding has stopped and she has been cleared of all infections. She has returned to consciousness! Thank you so much for your faith filled prayers"

Knees Problem Healed!
"After listening to Katie Souza, I prayed for my sister over the phone to be healed of knee problems. Since that time, she is able to walk!"

MRI is Negative!
"I requested prayer for healing via email. The doctor had identified a density on my skull that looked like cancer. I sent in the prayer request and prayed. They did an MRI, and it came back negative. Even my blood work was better than the one taken a few weeks prior. I am so grateful to HIM and to your ministry."

Two Year Old Headache Gone!
"I was healed while watching one of the video clips. I had a severe headache for more than 2 years and went to the hospital, but they found nothing. Thank you for the power of prayer with faith that brings healing!"

God Healed My Grieving Heart
"My Dad died in December. I knew in my head he is in heaven but my heart was hurting.When I heard Earthquake Kelly talking about his visit to heaven, God healed my heart and took away the hurt and gave me a picture of my Dad in heaven like Mr. Kelly talked about. Thanks!"

Encouragement To Use our Heavenly Language
"It has been so good to have your encouragement to use our Heavenly Language. It has been enlightening to hear testimonies that these can be ancient tongues and sometimes they change. In these days we need help and your programs have been so encouraging!"

Bladder Infection and Pain Gone!
"I had the worst bladder infection in my 63 years of life. I was in prayer and God reminded me of the beautiful CD you and Alyosha did together.By the end of the CD, The pain was gone. God's word was imprinted on my cells and He healed me!"

I Can Enjoy My New Career
"At the beginning of the show, Sid said God told him someone's neck was being healed. My neck and right shoulder popped immediately after he said this and I have not had any pain since! God has truly blessed me!"

Son Accepts Jesus!
"My family was watching your interview with Kathi Oates. My 6 year old was asking lots of questions and said he wanted Jesus in his heart but didn't know how. He eagerly prayed the prayer to receive Jesus along with us! Praise God!"

Visa Prayer Answered
"I wanted to send you a praise report. I will be getting my visa on Monday. Thank you for your prayers, I really do appreciate it!"

Shoulder Pain Gone!
"I have had pain on the top of my shoulder for 13-14 years. I was listening to the radio when Sid said to touch a part of your body that needs healed. I placed my hand on my shoulder as he prayed and have not had pain since!"

While in "The FOG", God Provided Me With a Wealth of Ideas!
"I strongly believe God used you and Mr Vance as vessels to convey what He has been trying to tell me. I feel it is my responsibility to take the ideas, concepts and favor God has given me and DO something with them!"

Boca Miracle CD Blessing
"While listening to the Boca Miracle CD I felt the Lord's presence fill up my body. I am encouraged by listening to this CD again and again. Thank You!"

Intestinal Problem Healed!
"When Charles Vance was on, he prayed for someone with intestinal problems. That prayer was for me. I was healed instantly! Praise God for It's Supernatural!"

Home School Daily Devotions
"Your show has been an amazing blessing to our children. We home school and as part of our daily devotional we listen to your show. Their faith is built up through the incredible stores of real lives. It has heightened our children's awareness of the spiritual world and God's unfailing love. They are changed forever and serving God more deeply. Thank You!"

My Knees Were Healed!
"I was watching John Kilpatrick and put my hand on the computer to ask for healing for my mother. The next day, there was no more pain in my knees. My knees were healed!"

Neck Instantly Healed!
"I was watching Mel [Bond] being interviewed, I had a sore neck. At the end of his interview he told everyone to look in eyes as he prayed with his whole heart so everyone watching is healed of what their problems are. My neck was instantly healed."

Life Changing!
"I bought Finger of God and Furious Love. I just finished sharing Furious Love with my husband and I am totally speechless!!!! Wow, you're right.... I am changed for life! Praise God! I will share these with whomever will give me the time of day! WOW, THANKS!!

Back Pain & Arthritis Healed!
"I have had pain in my lower back for 6 years due to an accident. I've had surgery to remove my 3 ruptured disks. I took an overdose but God by His grace intervened. God healed me when I listened to Robin Harfouche's interview. To God be the glory my back pain AND arthritis is gone!

Instant Healing!
"Thank you Lord for healing my back in an instant!! I have been plagued with degenerative disc disease for many years and it's gone!! [Robin Harfouche] said get up and do something you couldn't and I stood up and I was able to bend over with-out-pain!! Praise=the=Lord!"

Back & Hip Healed
"Interview with Dennis Cramer was interrupted "with a WORD from our SPONSOR" for healing of the back & hip. Sid said to touch your toes and run around your living room if that's you. IT'S ME-I DID IT. "

Awesome Encounter
"Awesome. I bought the teachings and my family had a God encounter right here in our living room. I have learned alot today and know that Katie was used as a confirmation to the call God has on my life."

Supernatural Language
"Prasie God. I was praying with Brenda and Sid today--never before having had the gift of tongues released. As they prayed,I felt the welling up--and effervesence of the Holy Spirit--flowing from my stomach through my throat and out of my mouth. GLORY!!!"

"God has brought me deliverance I feel. When Brenda spoke to Bipolar Disorder I felt electricity running through my brain. I feel light and relieved. Reassured that Yeshua is real. Thank you for having her on the show."

Hip Healed!
"About a week ago, you had a word of knowledge about a viewer with hip pain being healed. I felt like it was for me, and it must have been because my hip stopped hurting that very day and has not hurt since. I had a hip replacement 2 years ago, and it had been good until I spent an entire day at the Nashville Zoo with 4 small children and other more lively adults. My hip had been hurting very badly for 2 or 3 weeks, and I was about to really start worrying when you had that word for me. I have had other supernatural experiences during my life, and I am thrilled to have found your show on TBN. I wish you were on more often... God bless you and your work."

Eye Healed!
"On July 23rd 2009 I was watching your show for the first time. You were praying for people with back problems, and you had a word that someone was being healed in the left eye. I received that healing!!! Praise God!! I had Dystonia in both eyes for 10 yrs (the left eye was the worst). I was getting Botox injections to keep the eye lids open (for 9 yrs). I have been back to my doctor & and he said he no longer sees the problem in my left eye but does see it in the right eye. I'm believing that GOD is not going to just half heal me but is also going to heal the right eye. I walked out of the doctor's office with no Botox injection's (I was getting them every 4 months) and I'm doing fine... family and friends are amazed as to how good the eyes are looking!!! What an awesome GOD we have!!! Thank you for your word & may GOD continue to bless you & your program!!!!!"

To God be the Glory!
"I forget what month of this year God healed my back pain problem instantly with Don Heist blowing the shofar. I placed my one hand on the tv and one hand on my back and something miraculously happened; all pain was instantly gone. For years I would wake up every morning with terrible back pain. In the month of April, I had a bone density test performed and the doctor diagnosed me as having osteoporosis. I was completly devastated and in disbelief. I know that God is a healer. I believe in God's word and know that God is able to do the impossible. I'm very excited about what God plans to do in my life."

Skeptic Healed
"When Andre Ashby started singing, God healed me from alcohol (3 martini's a night for years). I was skeptical and casually asked God to heal me and immediately felt something heavy in my chest leave my body and cried uncontrollably. I have stopped drinking!!"

"I am a teacher of special needs children and this year will be starting with a severe autistic classroom. I have truly seen God work his powers in my classroom through the last 27 years. This show [Karen Mayer Cunningham] has given me more encouragement. Thank you and God bless."

Pain Free
"I'm so greatful that I found your show! Yesterday, I watched it for the first time and was completely astounded with your interview with John Kilpatrick. What an awesome testimony he had about the angel visitation he experienced when he was younger! During the interview, you called out that someone needed healing for the pain they had been experiencing in their neck and for their sinuses to be opened. I held up my hands and with tears proclaimed that healing for myself!! Immediately I felt the pain and pressure go away and this morning, I can honestly say that I woke up feeling none of the pain that I usually feel in the morning. Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a powerful way!! God bless you and your family!"

Hearing Restored
"While watching Julie [True] sing, I told God, I can hear the music but I want to hear the words. Instantly the words became clear as can be. I thank God for restoring the hearing to my ears."

Totally Healed
"I just want to share a testimony with you about a healing I received while watching an archived show of yours. At the end of the program [Frances Hunter] was praying for cancer patients. I decided that I would use that prayer for a painful spondalitis condition on my vertebrae. I laid hands on myself as she suggested we do and after her prayer, I was totally healed. Even though the program was many years old, I knew God was not deterred by that. He just acts on faith. I praise God for this and give thanks to you and all others who are faithfully spreading the good news around the world."

Pain Free
"I had a stroke Sept. 7, 2008. I have improved a lot but my left arm has had pain that keeps me from sleeping well most nights. When the guy on your show blew the shofar and I was praying also, my arm immediately quit hurting and has been pain free."

Healing and Strength
"This past week I recorded the broadcast because it airs when I am at morning worship. I watched it at 9 pm that night while getting ready to go to work. Your guest who watched his mother be raised from the dead, prayed for the viewers. As he did so, my fibromyalgia in my upper arms went away, and my worn-out knees both received strength! All praise and glory to Yeshua Ha'Mashiach!!!!"

Renewed Spirit and Hope
"I just wanted to thank you for your service to our Lord. I am so hungry for God I don't know what to do. Our economy has really negatively impacted my husband's and my businesses. “It's Supernatural” episodes really strengthen and empower me. Since I have two small children I don't have much time for TV -- at least uninterrupted TV. I am able to view your programs online at my convenience. I just found your show this year and I have been watching the 2006-2008 archived shows to catch up on all that I've missed. When I have a difficult day - and there have been quite a few of those here lately - I come to your web site for renewed spirit and hope. God is faithful - we are the head and not the tail. I'm expecting great things thru God. Thank you for posting these episodes, I need them."

Hope Restored
"I watched Grace Williams' show yesterday, and near the end of it she gave a word of knowledge of a lady that has a broken heart due to trauma after trauma after trauma and felt suicidal, and needed hope. She ministered to that person. That was me. I've been through so much I was feeling absolutely done; like I wasn't interested in tomorrow. The interesting thing is that yesterday morning while I was combing my hair, God let me know that I was lacking in hope - hope for a brighter future here on earth, and that faith is not enough, one also needs hope. Thank you for your ministry, I feel better, and don't feel like killing myself anymore, which is something I wouldn't want to do as a Christian and a mom to a 5-year-old boy. I just felt so traumatized and unable to go on, and deserted by God. Bless you all."

Thank You for Changing My Life
"I am 81 years old, and I have lost everything in the stock market. I thought of killing myself, but first my wife, age 77, as she is ill. As a Jew, I watched your show because I knew you were a Jew, and it made me feel welcome. I accepted Jesus as my Messiah and three days later the stock market rose and I pulled all my money out in time; two weeks later, my wife's health improved significantly. Had I not accepted Him as my Messiah, I would have killed myself, and my beautiful wife. Thank you for changing my life Sid. I love you and respect you. Thank you Messianic Vision, and praise the lord Jesus."

God Opened Her Hearing
"The anointing came into our house today while we were watching today’s program. I felt a burning come on my hands and I felt drunk. My mother a year ago got a virus that caused her to lose her hearing. I prayed for my mother and God opened her hearing."

Praise God, I have been healed!
"I love watching "It's Supernatural," so I subscribed for your podcasts. I was watching a program, when half-way through, I felt my head being "infilltrated" by God! I heard "You are healed." I immediately began to cry. I was overcome with love, and I knew I had been healed! I have been plagued with ADD all of my 44 years! But, praise God, I have been healed! I was so emotional & excited that I turned off the program and did not finish watching it until today. Wow!! Towards the end of the program, Jason prayed for people with ADD to be healed!!! Thank God!! Thank you, Jason! Thank you Sid Roth! Thank you to all the people who make this program possible. I have never felt better in my life! All the glory goes to God!"

You Pick Such Inspiring Guests
"I had been asking God to lead me to some good books, when I "accidentally" came across your TV program, as I was flipping channels (2006). As a result, my husband and I began listening to many of both the TV and radio programs, via the INET, where we also discovered some great books - just what we needed....Your programs are awesome; you pick such inspiring guests, which build up our faith."

I LOVE This Website
"I LOVE this website, I devour everything on here like the most nutritious delicious of gourmet meals, I look forward to Mondays because there is a new tv show on my computer screen every week!"

God's Breath Filling My Every Need
"The life that flows through God's people keeps me going on. He gave me a Jewish heart and listening to you and your guest is like God's breath filling my every need."

I Am Changing Like I Never Have Before
"I am sooooo happy to have found your ministry!!!! I am 53 and have been a Christian since forever and very active as one since 1985.....No church or ministry or story or testimony has ever affected me like 'It's Supernatural!' I am changing like I never have before. I've never seen and heard stories and testimonies like I've heard on your program and I have heard a lot and thought I had heard everything."

Thanks Sid for an awesome program.
"This site has been a tremendous blessing - increased my faith and given me a new perspective on the greatness and power of our God - I feel the anointing flowing even when watching programs from 2 or 3 yrs ago, I have a better understanding of our Jewish heritage and an increased love for people and state of Israel - I want to share this excitng site with others - Thanks Sid for an awesome program."

Healing in Norway
"Me and my mother love your ministry and the program 'It's Supernatural.' It's really building up [our] faith. We live in the north part of Norway. My mother had a cancer in her stomach and she belived God for Miracle. In that time she was watching a lot of your programs. On April 8, she recived a letter from the hospital and the tumour is gone. Praise the Lord."

Increased Faith
"I love to watch your program. I have seen every archive broadcast on my computer. It really increases my faith. I know God led me to you. I have ordered many books, CDs and DVDs. I have read some of the books many times over, along with my Bible. Thank you and God Bless your ministry!"

Hearing Restored
"I had sudden loss of hearing. Some days it got so bad that I could barely hear. I started listening to your CD on healing in English and Hebrew and I received my healing. I can hear now. Bless and thank you Yeshua."

Comfort and Reassurance
"Even though I know my father's in heaven and lived a wonderful testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ, he's been gone only a year and some days I cry and miss him. The "It's Supernatural" television and radio programs, (archive and current) have been a great source of comfort and reassurance that he is so very satisfied with His Saviour and people he led to Christ, relatives and friends that are also with the Lord! I share this program with others and it helps them too and reminds us that our saved loved ones are awaiting us in the very best indescribable place!!!!!! I especially love hearing Richard Sigmund's testimony about his tryip to heaven. Thanks for this ministry!!! God bless!"

Healed From Bipolar
"Every day I sit and thank God that He set me free!" read full story 

Complete Transformation
"Sid, your programme, 'It's Supernatural!' has completely transformed me! I listen to it online throughout each day! I now understand God's eternal plan for the Jewish people. I am a Nigerian by the way and live in Bermuda. God bless you!!"

Profound, Instantaneous Healing
"I was healed while watching the TV show where Sid Roth interviewed Joan Hunter. During the TV show Joan shared about a parts room in heaven." read full story 

Your Love of Jesus Shows
"You're so precious! Your love of Jesus shows everytime I watch or hear your broadcast. I asked God for something more and he revealed your show and website to me. He's given me a love for the Jewish people. During the process of me studying your website and learning more of the Jewish culture and history, I was also getting a new job! Well, my boss is JEWISH! and she's not a believer. I don't know what Yeshua's up to, but I think He might have something in store for her. Thank you so much for your resources." 

"God healed my body while I was watching you speaking on the Internet." 

God supplies mortgage payment
"I scarcely know where to begin. My husband and I are Jewish believers in Y'Shua HaMashiach..." read full story 

Seven Surgeries on Knee
"Robert's wife had 7 surgeries on her knee. He writes, "I just want you to know that after watching your show ... my wife... received healing from pain she had on her left knee for years." 

God has directed me to this program
"I LOVE the web site. God directed me to it last year and I cannot tell you the number of times that I had a certain need, or God had spoken something to me and he would direct me to random programs that would address exactly what he was dealing with me or trying to show me etc. Praise God for you Sid. I am so excited to see a program such as this. Since God has directed me to this program, my faith has increased to believe God for more of the supernatural and I cannot tell you how valuable this site has been to me. I think you really have a wonderful gift for interviewing your guests and getting the information out of them that we want to hear. Thank You very much!!! God Bless you, In Jesus (Messiah's) name."

Healing of back, legs and hip joints
"On February 7th I was watching your show when you spoke words of healing for back, hip and leg problems. I felt that the Lord put in my heart that I was one of the people that your words was meant for and I immediately stood up and bent over when you said to do so. I found that I could do so without the debilitating pain that I have had from a back injury for over 34 years. I had also been having pain in my hip joints and problems with burning and hot/cold sensations in my legs. I have noticed that these painful problems seemed less and for two days now the problems with my hips and legs have been subsiding. It seems you were the vessel that God chose to deliver my healing. Bless you for being there for Him and for me."

Sid RothAbout Sid

Sid Roth, a former account executive for Merrill Lynch, was raised in a traditional Jewish home. Yet, religious tradition provided no answers when he hit rock bottom in 1972. With his life out of control and his marriage in shambles, Sid was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Immediately, he began to boldly proclaim Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.
In 1977 Sid started a ministry called “Messianic Vision” and a nationally syndicated radio broadcast by the same name. But the Messianic Vision is more than a ministry or a program; it is a desire to reach out with the good news of the Messiah, “to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16). This is not just God’s historical order for spreading the gospel, but also His eternal spiritual order. When we follow this “law of evangelism,” God opens a supernatural door to reach Gentiles as well. God’s heart is to reach all people. His strategy is “to the Jew first.” Read more. Follow Sid on Twitter.

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