by Mac Hammond
Who has God created you to be? What has He provided for you? How does He want you to act on this earth? The Upper Midwest Faith Explosion meetings at Living Word Christian Center answered these questions and a whole lot more.From Tuesday night, August 21, through Sunday night, August 26, around 15,800 adults and children attended these six days of meetings in person and over 6,200 watched online and learned more about God’s love, His favor, and what He wants to do in each of our lives.Dr. Creflo Dollar started off the week speaking on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights on The Victorious Power of Love. God wants you to be intimately aware of Him loving you. Once you believe God loves you, you can enjoy the blessings of God more. By having confidence in the love of God, you get full of God.
“Miracles break out in lives of people who know they are God’s beloved.” –Dr. Creflo Dollar
There’s something about knowing that you’re loved by God that will cause your faith to work all the time. It’s hard to stop a man convinced he is God’s beloved.
“I don’t ever want to be so intelligent that I miss out on the power of this simple message: that Jesus loves me.” –Dr. Creflo Dollar.
Gloria Copeland spoke on Thursday night a message entitled Live Long, Live Strong. She walked through Psalm 91 and talked about living long and living strong in the presence of God almighty.
What you say is what you will receive. We have it written down what to say—this life is an open book test!—so use the Word and speak to your life. Say what the Word says.
“We say what He says and then we get what He says. We get what we say because we say what He says!” –Gloria Copeland
Satan has been “whupped” up on. He has nothing but words. He has to talk you into believing what he says so he can have a place in your life. Don’t listen to him! Say what you believe. Feed on the Word of God every day. The words of God are life and you want that life on the inside of you when trouble comes.
To love God is to do what He says. The more we do what He says, the more protected we are and the more prosperous, blessed, joyful, and happy. If you want to walk in the blessing, you have to trust God, obey Him, honor Him, and do what He says. What He says is always the best and highest thing you can do, and you’ll be glad you did it.
“Grace is God’s overwhelming desire to treat you as if you have never sinned.” –Kenneth Copeland
Stay ready. Instead of looking through Scripture for what God can do for you, look for what you can do with His power, which is on the inside of you.
Jesse Duplantis ministered on Saturday night a message entitled Why Isn’t My Giving Working? The Word shows us four types of giving. Each has a different motivation and different reward. When you crisscross these types of giving, you shut down what they do individually; that’s why it’s very important to understand these gifts and what you can expect from each in your life.
“Find out what is best in all the world and bend your whole life to it. Give your life a center. Bring all your faculties, powers, experiences, and activities into relation with that center. … Risk everything and spare nothing.” –Dr. Jesse Duplantis
Jesse’s second message was What Makes Life Good. He gave us some practical ways we can, as much as possible, live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18). The peace that makes life good is peace that permeates your relationships at church, at home, and with the outside world. As Proverbs 16:7 states, “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”
“The adversary never has the final word. Every time it looks like there is no way out, God steps in.” –Dr. Jerry Savelle
We give Satan the final word when we give up; that’s why we need to always remember where the works of darkness seem to abound, the favor of God will abound much more. An outpouring of favor overcomes works of darkness.
This is just a glimpse of the Word that was brought during the Upper Midwest Faith Explosion meetings. As Pastor Mac Hammond stated early on in the week, “You’re going to wind up looking back on this week and say, ‘Look what the Lord has done.’”
Relive the Moments
You can enjoy the meetings from Upper Midwest Faith Explosion for the first time or all over again! Simply purchase the CDs, DVDs, or mp3s to add to your home library. You will be blessed!
Mac Hammond
Mac Hammond graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1965 with a Bachelor’s degree in English. Upon graduation, he entered the Air Force with a regular officer’s commission and reported for pilot training at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia. He received his wings in November 1966, and subsequently served two tours of duty in Southeast Asia, accumulating 198 combat missions. He was honorably discharged in 1970 with the rank of Captain.
Between 1970 and 1980, Mac was involved in varying capacities in the general aviation industry including ownership of a successful air cargo business serving the Midwestern United States. A business acquisition brought the Hammonds to Minneapolis where they ultimately founded Living Word Christian Center in 1980.
After more than 30 years, Living Word’s church attendance has grown from twelve people in 1980 to an active church body of 10,000 members. Today some of the outreaches that spring from Living Word include Maranatha Christian Academy, a fully-accredited, pre-K through 12th grade Christian school; Living Free Recovery Services, a state licensed outpatient treatment facility for chemical dependency; The Wells at 7th Street, a multi-faceted outreach to inner-city residents; CFAITH, an online cooperative missionary outreach of hundreds of national and international organizations providing faith-based content and a nonprofit family oriented ISP; and a national and international media outreach that includes hundreds of audio/video teaching series, the Winner’s Way broadcast, the PrayerNoteseNewsletter, and the Winner’s Way eMagazine.
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