Have you ever noticed how "SELF" focused the society we were born into is ? We live in a world of: Self-fulfillment , Self-reliance, Self-help and Self-Control.
We're taught, "If it's to be, it's up to me!" But there is a Truth that the enemy doesn't want you to know:
The only way you will ever feel safe is not when you finally have control, but the day that you totally surrender it.
True freedom is only found in total surrender.
But in our culture we shutter at words like surrender and submit. Why? Because we have an inherent fear of not being in control of our own lives.
When we came to God, most of us weren't looking for a God to submit to. Instead, we were hoping for a god who would submit to us.
If we're honest, we didn't come to Christ looking for a Lord, but a genie in a bottle. Someone who would make all of our problems go away, and give us our heart's desires. Often, we didn't come seeking God's heart, but rather His hand.
If we're honest, we didn't come to Christ looking for a Lord, but a genie in a bottle. Someone who would make all of our problems go away, and give us our heart's desires. Often, we didn't come seeking God's heart, but rather His hand.
'Lord, I want X from You.' Instead Of 'Lord I want more of You'.
'Lord, fix my circumstances!' Instead Of 'Lord, fix my heart and make me more like Your Son.'
'Lord I want. Lord I need.' Instead Of 'Lord what do You want? Lord, what does Your Body need?'
Everyone says that salvation is free, Elwin, but the truth is that becoming a true disciple of Christ is going to cost you ...everything.
Now great multitudes went with Him. And He turned and said to them, "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake ALL that he has cannot be My disciple. -Luke 14:25-27, 33 NKJV
But how do we take up our cross? We simply surrender to the will of God. No matter how uncomfortable-No matter how painful.
When we end friendships it hurts us to let go of..
When we stay in marriages we'd rather abandon...
When we leave jobs we've invested years into...
That's when we're taking up our cross. We're saying, just like Jesus said, "Not my will Father, but Your will be done!" No matter how much it's going to cost me. No matter what I thought that I really wanted, I love You. I trust You.
We all think that we know what we want. In our human arrogance, we think that we know what's best for us.
I'm going to say that again...Until we recognize our complete dependence upon His will, we will never truly see His power.
If you really want to see the power of God unleashed in your life, simply surrender to His will.
Day in and day out, invite Him into the details of your life. Follow the gentle leadings of His Holy Spirit. You'll be amazed at the new serge of power you'll experience empowering you, and propelling you from glory to glory.
But, how can you surrender to God's will for your life if you don't know what it is? How can you invite Him into the details of your life, if you can't recognize His leadings?
That is a problem that many Believers face. They have a heart for God, and they want to be obedient to Him, but they don't know how to hear His voice. But Jesus died so that you could have a direct line to God! So that you could speak to Him, and so that He could speak to you!
If your heart's desire is to be able to hear the voice of God for yourself, I want to invite you on a special journey through God's Word with me. Along this journey, you will discover how to hear God for yourself once and for all...
You Can Hear God's Voice and Know His Will for You...
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