Friday, 23 August 2013

Brenda Robinson: What Seemed Hopeless


By Christine Wilson

The 700 Club – It began with a small headache. Then 24-year-old Brenda Robinson dismissed the pain, blaming it on fatigue.  The last thing she remembers was sitting down for dinner at her sister’s.
“When I came to, I said, ‘What’s going on? Did we eat dinner?’  And she said, ‘It’s been two weeks since that dinner. You’ve had probably about 100 seizures, gran mal epileptic seizures in two weeks.’ I started to move, and I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed. She said, ‘Your speech has even been paralyzed. You’ve been trying to talk to us for two weeks, and you couldn’t.’”
Two weeks, including several visits to the hospital, had vanished from her memory. She was diagnosed with gran mal epilepsy, which brought on violent, debilitating seizures.  The seizures were difficult for her whole family, including her husband Dan.
“Five or six men couldn’t hold her down when she was having one, because it was almost like she was super strong,” Dan describes. “Her muscles would be so tense.”
The doctor that Brenda saw had told her that a bruise on her brain was causing the seizures.  According to him, she would never heal.
“They told my husband that I would die at the age of 30, that my heart would not hold up to the convulsions, nor my kidneys,” Brenda says.
Brenda longed to live a normal life. Instead she lived in fear, never knowing what would set off the next seizure.
Dan says, “She could drop something and just fear would run all over me [that] I wasn’t there maybe to catch her, or she was having a seizure or she was hurting herself or something like that. I lived for six years in fear.”
Brenda says she lost all hope.
“Do you know what it’s like to watch your two children sit on the floor and don’t even know their names because it takes [your] memory? Do you know what it’s like to convulse and hurt from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and not be able to move?”
She could only think of one solution... suicide.
“I sat down at my kitchen table with my bottle of pills with my tablet and a pen to write,” Brenda recalls. “I was going to write Dan a note. I had it set up to where the only one that would find me would be Dan.”
But Brenda never even got the chance to write the suicide letter.
“As I sat down to write, they didn’t knock. My mother and my sister burst in my front door, and my mother had her Bible in her hand. She slammed it on the table, and she said, ‘The Lord woke me up in the wee hours of the morning and told me that you think today is your death day. But this is not your death day. This is the day that you start living.’”
Brenda’s mother prayed with her, and Brenda rededicated her life to Christ.
“Inside of me, an audible voice spoke and said, ‘You’re healed. The hindrance is gone.’ I knew that God had healed me. I knew it was His voice.”
Brenda was 30 years old when she heard God’s voice and the seizures stopped.
Doctor Robert Madden confirms, “In the nine years I’ve known her, we’ve had no seizure activity and no treatment for seizure activity.”
Brenda says, “I still have people to this day waiting to see me have a seizure. It will never happen, because what He does, He does permanently.”

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