If You Had Lots of Money

drown in cashHoney, what happens when you have TOO MUCH money? 

I said to Emma a few days ago. She must’ve thought that we either won the lottery or her husband went crazy, both of which required more attention. With her eyes wide open (I seriously thought it was going to pop out), she said “WHAT DID YOU SAY?.?”.
Let’s imagine with me for a moment that we have enough money to a point where we don’t need to work. Let’s also assume that we don’t really need to think about it much because we also have a wealth management company in charge of handling our assets. How would your life be like? How would your life change?

The first reaction from most of you will probably be along the lines of “It will be awesome.” Certainly, there will be no more debt to worry about, and you’d be living in a nice house and drive nice cars. But is it all good?

READ MORE @ http://sandwiches-for-you.blogspot.com/2012/12/what-if-you-had-lots-of-money.html#more

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