Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The Benefit of Wise Decisions : Ruth And Naomi

The Benefit of Wise Decisions - Ruth 1:1-18


Ruth was of the land of Moab but married a Jewish man who was the son of Elimelech and Naomi. Naomi was a lady who suffered a great deal of loss in her life, including her husband and her two sons. After the loss of her sons (the husbands of Ruth and Orpah), Naomi determined to return home to the land of Judah.

Ruth and Orpah had tough choices to make. Should they go with Naomi or remain in Moab? Orpah determined to stay, but Ruth steadfastly determined to go with Naomi. This may have seemed like a strange decision, but read ahead in the Book of Ruth and you will find that it was a wise decision with great benefits.

Ruth finds a home with Naomi (Ruth 1:22), marries a great man named Boaz (Ruth 4:13), and finds herself in the line of King David and the Lord Jesus (Ruth 4:17; Matthew 1:5).


  • (For smaller children) Missionaries leave their friends and family and go far away to tell people about the Lord. This is a hard decision. What good can come from their decision?
  • Do you think that Ruth’s decision was easier than Orpah’s? Which one made the right choice?
  • What would Ruth have missed had she decided to stay in Moab? Is it possible that you will miss some blessings if you fail to make wise choices?


  • Ask God to help you see the long term effect of your decisions.
  • Pray that He will give you the wisdom to make the right choices, even when they are difficult.


Trust and Obey

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