He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because... Hebrews 7:25
Many Christians have a good understanding of what Christ has done for us in the past through His death on the cross, and of what He will do for us in the future when He comes again in power and in glory. They are clear about what Christ has done for us yesterday, confident about what He will do for us tomorrow, but confused about what He is doing for us today.
Christ died to save you, but He also lives to keep you. It is through Christ's continuing work of intercession that we are sustained through every pressure, kept through every temptation and eventually brought into glory.
Christ prays for you
He always lives to intercede... Hebrews 7:25
This means that Jesus speaks to the Father on your behalf. He represents you and brings the specific needs that you have, and the particular situations that you are facing, before the Father.
There is a beautiful illustration of this in the Gospels. Jesus knew that Peter was going to come under great pressure after He was arrested. He had already told Peter, "Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times." But Peter was sure that he was up to the challenge, confident that he could rise above that kind of failure.
Then Jesus said to Peter, "Satan has asked to sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail" (Luke 22:31). Notice Jesus didn't say He had prayed that Peter would not fail, but that Peter's faith would not fail. God can use our failures as well as our triumphs. Jesus was saying, "Peter, you are going to come under great pressure. The enemy is going to attack you. But I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail."
That's exactly what happened. Jesus was arrested, and Peter was afraid and embarrassed. Satan really worked him over, and he failed big time. That might have been the end of Peter's story, but it wasn't. The reason? Christ had prayed for him, and His prayers always get answered.
That's why when Peter hit his lowest point and blew his testimony, his failure becomes an opportunity to discover the mercy of God. On the third day, Peter was among those who came to the tomb and discovered the risen Lord. A few days later, his faith renewed, the Lord restored Peter and commissioned him for ministry.
Seated on the throne
Such a high priest meets our need-one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Hebrews 7:26
Now we are not to think of Jesus on His knees in heaven, agonizing in prayer on our behalf, as He did in the Garden of Gethsemane. He is seated on the throne in the position of authority, and His word is the angels' command.
Jesus Christ, your great High Priest, is aware of every circumstance of your life. Nothing escapes His attention. He speaks with authority in the presence of the Father, and His word releases the resources of heaven for the pressures and temptations you face today.
I wonder what Jesus is praying for you right now... That your faith may not fail? That you will be sustained under a great burden? That you will face up to an issue of sin and deal with it? It is marvelous to know that Christ intercedes for you. He will bring you through every circumstance of life. He lives for that very purpose.
That's this week's LifeKEY!
Colin S. Smith
This LifeKey is based on the message "Intercession," from the series, "Unlocking the Bible in Hebrews & James," preached on November 18, 2001.
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