Monday, 14 May 2012

How Many Loaves?

John 6:1-15

Additional Scripture Readings: 2 Kings 4:42-44; Mark 6:32-44

The only miracle reported in each of the four Gospels-besides the resurrection-is the feeding of the five thousand. If a truth is worth telling four times, it must be worth hearing.

It probably seemed ridiculous to Philip to even consider feeding 5,000 men (and about 10,000 women and children). Jesus' response in Mark 6:38 was simple: "How many loaves do you have?" And with the meager resources at hand, a few loaves and fish, Jesus fed the hungry.

Most of the time we don't realize how many "loaves" we have. We don't realize the many ways we can feed those around us. With the evening meal, we can serve up a loaf of encouragement to a dejected teenager. With a cup of coffee, we can serve a loaf of support to a new mom in our neighborhood. With a simple brown-bag lunch, we can serve up a happy time, hiking with our little ones. God takes our "loaves" and nourishes the needs of those around us. 

Let's eat!

NIV Devotions for Moms

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