As I think about people in Scripture, their lives seemed to have seasons. Jacob went through a season of being deceitful, then a season of running. Joseph went through a season of being the favorite, then a season of being resented, then a season of being forgotten in an Egyptian prison, then a season of great success.
Moses went through a season of slavery, a season of being a fugitive, a season of being a shepherd, a season of being the deliverer, a season of being resented by people for delivering, and then a season of waiting to die so the people of Israel could enter the Promise Land.
Maybe you find yourself in particular season of life today. It might be a season of pain. You didn’t do anything to deserve the pain, it has been imposed on you. Maybe you are in a season of loneliness. Maybe it is a season of success, maybe a season of failure. Maybe you’re in a season of doubt and questioning. I’d like to encourage with you a few things today:
1. Take heart.
Your in a season that won’t last forever. No matter where you are right now, you won’t be there forever. You won’t be lonely forever. You won’t be successful forever. You won’t be a failure forever. You won’t doubt forever. You won’t be sad forever. The pain won’t last forever. God has you in this season for a time, and for a purpose…which leads me to the second truth.
2. Embrace this season.
Continue to seek God in your success, in your loneliness, in your pain, in your doubt, in your failure. The more you embrace the season you are in the more you allow God’s Spirit to work in your life to prepare you for what is next. There is a “NEXT”…even when it doesn’t feel like it.
We often miss what God has for us in this season because we keep hoping for the next.
God is working in your life right now to mold you and shape you to be who He longs for you to be.
Justin and Trisha
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