Monday, 1 April 2013

Easier Than Pi

For centuries, mankind has been trying to “square the circle” — that is, create a square of area equal to that of a circle, using nothing more than a straightedge and a compass in a finite number of steps. Most believed — and, we know now — that any such attempt is futile. The area of a circle requires the use of the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.141592), and in 1882, German mathmetician Ferdinand von Lindemann demonstrated that piis a transcendental number, and, therefore, squaring the circle is an impossible task.

But that has not stopped others from trying. Of particular note is the attempt of an amateur mathematican named Edwin J. Goodwin, who claimed to have discovered the mysterious solutions to problems long since believed impossible — because they were, in fact, impossible. Beyond squaring the circle, he also claimed to have solutions for angle trisection and doubling the cube, a trifecta which, if accomplished, would put his name alongside that of Euclid himself.He was more than just a mere crank. In 1897, Goodwin convinced the legislature of Indiana to draft and nearly pass a bill which would establish his “solutions” scientific “fact.” While the bill never explicitly mentions pi, its reliance on the constant is the reason it is now called the “Indiana Pi Bill.” Why? Because in order to enshrine Goodwin’s theories as fact, the bill dictated (indirectly), by necessity, that pi is equal to 3.2.

The bill passed Indiana’s House of Representatives. But, by stroke of luck, Purdue University math professor C.A. Waldo arrived in Indianapolis on separate business at the same time. A legislator showed the bill to Waldo and offered to introduce him to the mathematical genius behind it — and instead, Waldo convinced enough members of the other house of the Indiana Congress to delay the vote on the Pi Bill. It died in committee in the Senate.

Pi is still 3.141592 (etc.) in Indiana. And, for that matter, everywhere.

Bonus fact: Want to learn pi to its 20th decimal? Memorize the following rhyme; the number of letters in each word (ignoring punctuation) is equal to each digit, in order, starting with the 3 before the decimal point: Pie. I wish I could calculate pi. ”Eureka!” cried the great inventor: “‘Christmas pudding, Christmas pie,’ is the problem’s very center!”

From the ArchivesTanks for the Info: How math helped the Allies in World War II.

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