Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Start With a Step

By Greg Laurie , Christian Post Contributor

So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
- Matthew 14:29

Sometimes people are critical of Peter because he sank during his walk on the water to Jesus. But apart from Jesus himself, Peter is the only one to ever walk on water. And, by the way, it wasn't a presumptuous act on Peter's part. He did ask permission, and Jesus granted it.

I can imagine Peter swinging one leg over the side of the boat and testing his weight a little. Next, he brings the other leg around. Soon, he is standing on the water. Then he takes a step . . . then another step.

But the waves were high, the sea was rough, and Peter probably thought, What am I doing? Then he began to sink.As he cried out to Jesus, the Lord reached down, grabbed him, and pulled him up. Then He said, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:31). I find it interesting that in the original language, "little faith" is one word. There is a tenderness implied in the language, almost as though it were a nickname. Oh, Littlefaith. You were doing so well. I'm so proud of you, Peter. Jesus lifted him up, and they walked back to that boat. But Peter had taken a step of faith.

This reminds us that God can take even a little faith and turn it into big faith if we will just take a step of faith. So many times we want the detailed blueprint. But just start with a step. Just start where you are. Do what you can.

You have your world. You have your opportunities. Start with someone you can think of who needs Christ this year. Pray for him. Share with her. And remember that doors don't necessarily stay open forever. Everything starts with a little step.

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