Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Waiting on the Promise : Sarah And Abraham

(Daily Portion 10423)

Content Author : Reagan, David

Scripture Passage : Genesis 16:1-16

In this chapter, both Sarai (Sarah) and Abram (Abraham) are impatient and cannot wait for the Lord to fulfill His promise of a son. Sarah offers her handmaid Hagar to Abraham as a means to a son and Abraham quickly accepts the offer. Their refusal to wait on the Lord results in additional trials and sorrows. It has always been and will ever be so.

What Does It Say?

  1. Sarai had an handmaid, an _____________, whose name was ____________.
  2. Abram had dwelt for _______ years in the land of Canaan.
  3. The angel found Hagar by a fountain in the _______________ in the way to ________.
  4. The angel told Hagar to __________ to her mistress and to ___________ herself under her hands.
  5. Abram was fourscore and ________ years old when Ishmael was born.

What Does It Mean?

  1. Sarai gave Hagar to Abram so that she might “obtain children by her” (Genesis 16:2). Why was this so important to Sarah? How could she obtain children by Hagar? How does this compare with the story found in Genesis 30:1-6?
  2. When Hagar saw that she was with child, her mistress Sarah “was despised in her eyes” (Genesis 16:4). This prompts Sarah to approach Abraham in anger (verse 5). Compare this with the record of Hannah and Peninnah in 1Samuel 1:1-7. Notice that Hannah has an adversary who is female—“her adversary” (1Samuel1:6). What is happening in these stories? What can we learn from these stories?
  3. Ishmael became the father of the Arab peoples. Consider God’s description of him in Genesis 16:12 – “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” What does this verse tell us about the conflicts that have gone on for so long in the Middle East?

What Does It Mean to Me?

  1. When Hagar despised Sarah, Sarah blamed Abraham—“My wrong be upon thee… the LORD judge between me and thee” (Genesis 16:5). Yet, Sarah had offered Hagar to Abram (verse 2). What does this tell us about what was going on in this chapter? What does it tell us about ourselves?
  2. After the appearance of the angel of the Lord, Hagar gave God the name: “thou God seest me” (Genesis 16:13). Look at the following scriptures: Genesis 31:42Exodus 32:92Kings 20:5Isaiah 57:18;Jeremiah 23:23). What is the significance of this title? How does this aspect of God help us in our daily lives?

Suggested Memory Verse

David Reagan

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