Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Is it true that prolonged sex (like for an hour) has health benefits or is that a myth?

It sounds like you might be reading Maxim, not New Man for sexual theories. It's true; any aerobic activity done for an extensive period of time can have health benefits. But this could be a really hard sell for your wife.
The way it would sound to her is, "Hey honey, let me use your body for an hour because I am too lazy to go to the gym." Sex isn't about calorie burning or building great abs. If that's what you want, eat less and exercise regularly.
If your wife wants sex for an hour, fine. But most women—after a day at the office, time taking care of the children, homework, cooking and cleaning—are not really that interested in marathon sex so that you can get your heart rate up. To them, it might seem a little selfish.
Now if you take your wife to some secluded, tropical island with no children, cell phones, laptop or any responsibilities, and it's about making her happy, you might have a better chance at your one-hour goal.

Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is founder of Heart to Heart Counseling Center and author of The 7 Love Agreements, which explains the power of unity in marriage and outlines seven "love agreements" that will revitalize relationships (available at strangdirect.com). Contact him at drdougweiss.com, or 5080 Mark Dabling Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80918, or info@drdougweiss.com.

gotquestions  http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/new-man/sexual-purity/25293-is-viagra-from-god-or-the-devil

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