Friday, 5 April 2013

Eliezer : The Man Who Found a Wife for His Master

Eliezer [Ĕli ēzûr]—god is my help.
  1. The second son of Moses and Zipporah to whom his father gave this name as a memento of his gratitude to God (Exod. 18:41 Chron. 23:151726:25).
  2. A son of Becher and grandson of Benjamin (1 Chron. 7:8).
  3. A priest who assisted in the return of the Ark to Jerusalem (1 Chron. 15:24).
  4. A Reubenite ruler in David’s time (1 Chron. 27:16).
  5. The prophet who rebuked Jehoshaphat for his alliance with king Ahaziah in the Ophir expedition (2 Chron. 20:37).
  6. A chieftain sent with others to induce many of the Israelites to return with Ezra to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:16).
  7. A priest who put away his foreign wife (Ezra 10:18).
  8. A Levite who had done the same (Ezra 10:23).
  9. One of the sons of Harim who had done likewise (Ezra 10:31).
  10. An ancestor of Joseph, husband of Mary (Luke 3:29).
  11. Abraham’s chief servant, and “son of his house,” that is, one of his large household. He is named “Eliezer of Damascus” probably to distinguish him from others of the same name (Gen. 15:224).

The Man Who Found a Wife for His Master

There can be little doubt that the Damascus Eliezer is the nameless servant Abraham sent to his own country and kindred to secure a bride for Isaac, his son of promise. 

Of the search of Eliezer, Dr. C. I. Scofield says that the entire chapter (Genesis 24) is highly typical, and then he gives us this most helpful outline:

I. Abraham—type of a certain king who would make a marriage for his son (Matt. 22:2John 6:44).

II. The unnamed servant—type of the Holy Spirit who does not speak of or from himself, but takes of the things of the bridegroom with which to win the bride (John 16:1314).

III. The servant—type of the Spirit as enriching the bride with the bridegroom’s gifts (1 Cor. 12:7-11Gal. 5:22).

IV. The servant—type of the Spirit as bringing the bride to the meeting with the bridegroom (Acts 13:416:67;Rom. 8:111 Thess. 4:14-17).

V. Rebekah—type of the Church, the ecclesia, the “called out” virgin bride of Christ (Gen. 24:162 Cor. 11:2Eph. 5:25-32).

VI. Isaac—type of the bridegroom “whom not having seen” the bride loves through the testimony of the unnamed servant (1 Pet. 1:8).

VII. Isaac—type of the bridegroom who goes out to meet and receive His bride (Gen. 24:631 Thess. 4:16,17).

Points to emphasize as we peruse this beautiful chapter twenty-four with its love-quest are clearly evident:

Prayer should precede our pursuits (Gen. 24:12).

Leading depends upon living (v. 27).

The Lord is before us and with us (v. 40).

The place of privilege (v. 43 with John 4:14).

The importance of a personal decision (Gen. 24:58).

The right attitude for the reception of God’s gifts (v. 63).

Today's reading is from:
allthemenofthebibleAll the Men of the Bible
by Herbert Lockyer
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