Sunday, 24 March 2013

Bound to Happen

Written by Julie Cosgrove

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“When he summoned a famine on the land and broke all supply of bread, he had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. His feet were hurt with fetters; his neck was put in a collar of iron; until what he had said came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him. The king sent and released him; the ruler of the peoples set him free; he made him lord of his house and ruler of all his possessions, to bind his princes at his pleasure and to teach his elders wisdom.” (Psalm 105:17-22)

This is the way the Psalmist describes what happened to Joseph in the Book of Genesis. His jealous brothers left him to die. He was sold into slavery, but lived. God eventually raised Joseph up to be second only to the King, just when his brothers needed him the most. It was in a time of famine and Egypt, because of Joseph’s wise reliance and trust in God, had obediently stored grain away in advance.
The way the Psalm tells the story brings out a great truth. When tragedy hits us, we feel bound by circumstances, fettered and shackled by tragedy. But if we stay in the Word, and trust God enough to listen to Him, we will make it through. The lessons we learn during that time will be stored up inside us. God knows there will someday be someone who goes through the same tragedy. He knows we can be there to help them through their famine of hurt, anger, doubt and loss. We can be the nourishment they need because God has stored it up in us, preparing us for just that time.
People often try to answer why bad things happen to good people, or to be more precisely, people of God. Yes, it is because of free will in a fallen, broken world. It may be to teach us to depend more on Him. But, this part of Psalm 105 gives another reason. Perhaps, it is because down the line, someone else who has less faith at that time will go through a similar thing and will need us to minister them through it. We can help release their bounds, and bind them to God’s love.

When I became widowed last November, I thanked God He had prepared not only my big sister in widowhood ahead of me, but several faith-filled women who had just recently come into my life. Up until that moment I became one of them, it never dawned on me why so many widows had become my close friends.

But, God knew. Shackled by fear of the unknown and fettered with hurt, my famine was eased by their experiences. They prayed me through it, and still are. My bounds are loosening. I have no doubt it is for His purpose and glory. One day, I will be like Joseph in some other woman’s famine.

Whatever you are going through—and we all are going through something, or are about to because that is the nature of this life on earth—have confidence that God is watching over you. He does truly have a plan. He will release the shackles in His timing and give you the opportunity to store up what you have labored over. There will come a time for you to share your pains, and victories, with others. Like Joseph’s brothers, they may not expect it to be you. But God does.

Question: Has God placed someone in your life who needs your stored up grain to ease their famine? Or, if you are in that famine, will you trust Him to send someone with grain to you?

Julie Cosgrove

Julie B Cosgrove is a Christian freelance writer and professional speaker. She has published three Bible studies, a devotional and a novel called Focused. Besides Power to Change, she regularly writes for several other devotional publications and sites. She belongs to American Christian Fiction Writers, North Texas Christian Writers, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, North Texas Christian Women's Chamber and Toastmasters. A widow, she lives in Fort Worth with her son and two cats. Visit her website and her blog Where Did You Find God

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