Tuesday, 26 March 2013

My Passover Blessing Prayer for You

Because of your partnership with me in gifts and prayers, I want to pray a special Passover blessing over you

The Miracle of Passover

At Passover we are instructed to bring a special gift of remembrance. We remember the miracle of the first Passover and the even greater miracle it foreshadowed — the Passover Lamb (Yeshua) translating us from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. I am eternally grateful for what Yeshua has done in my life!

My Passover Gift to You

My Passover gift to you is a New Covenant version of the prayer God instructed Moses to pray over the Jewish people. God promised everyone who received this prayer would be sealed with His Name and everything His Name represents (Num. 6:22-27). Please take a moment to watch this brief video prayer. Also, I encourage you to forward this email to friends and family so they can receive a blessing.

When I prayed this prayer over our TV studio audience, the presence of God was so strong that a young man in the front row fell back into his seat and was trembling under the power of God. He will never be the same and neither will you!

God Wants to Open the Windows of Heaven

God says that on Passover "...none shall appear before Me empty-handed" (Ex. 23:15Amp). He wants to open the windows of heaven upon you at this special appointment. Please consider sowing a Passover gift into Jewish evangelism at this set time to favor Zion. We need your support to reach God's people who do not know the Good News. Make a gift today to share this message.

Blessed Passover,

Sid Israel Roth
Sid Prayer of BlessingWatch Now!
Sid prays a New Covenant version of the prayer God instructed Moses to pray over the Jewish people. 

Consider a Special Passover Offering

  • To produce our soul-winning programs and evangelize large numbers of Jewish people.
  • These new Jewish believers will be a catalyst to help release the greatest Gentile revival in history!
At Passover we are instructed to bring a special gift of remembrance. We remember the miracle of Passover and the even greater miracle it foreshadowed — the Passover Lamb (Yeshua) translating us from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light! I am eternally grateful for what Yeshua has done in my life. My Passover gift to you is a New Covenant version of the prayer that God instructed Moses to pray over the Jewish people. God promised everyone who received this prayer would be sealed with His Name and everything His Name represents (Num. 6:22-27).

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!™ & Messianic Vision

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