Saturday, 23 March 2013


by Jeanniene Lee


By: Jeanniene Lee

That is exactly what Joel Osteen’s mother, Dodie Osteen, needed when she was diagnosed with cancer. She needed a miracle, and she got just that. Dodie Osteen was totally healed of cancer and is still healed today?
Do you need a miracle? What area of your life are you needing a “supernatural, divine intervention in?” With the global economy in chaos, do you need a financial miracle? Does your bank account, retirement account, or investment accounts need to be healed and restored by the power of God? What about healing in your physical body? Have you been diagnosed with an incurable disease? How are your relationships? Do you need your marriage or relationships healed and restored? What areas of your life are you needing a miracle in? No matter what you are facing today, you too can experience a miracle!!! God is still performing miracles today! In fact, He wants to perform a miracle for you TODAY!!!

Dodie Osteen discovered the master key, which positioned her for a miracle. You can too!!! In my new release “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing” I impart to you the “master key” that will position you to receive miracles in every single area of your life. . .financially, emotionally, physically, in your relationships, etc.
This anointed new CD has transformed lives around the world. We have received testimonies from around the world of supernatural interventions and miracles. We have received testimonies of healing from aids, cancer, fear, demonic oppression, barrenness, suicide, to name a few. Children and adults have both testified of what God has done in their lives as a result of listening to this CD. Many testimonies have flooded in of marriages and relationships that have been healed. Couples that could not have a baby, have testified of conception after listening to this anointed new release. Many have testified that their financial situation was totally transformed. There are NO LIMITS to what God can do for you TODAY!!!

No matter what you are facing today, you too can experience a miracle!!! Find out how today! For additional information and to listen to samples of the various tracks on this powerful, powerful CD, visit us online at:
Your miracle is waiting for you TODAY!!!!

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