Friday, 22 March 2013

Standing Apart from Everyone Else

"You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own." Leviticus 20:26 (NIV 1984)
Our daughter got the call ... the invitation she had been waiting for. It was the party everyone wanted to go to and she'd been invited!
She was so excited. However, one step remained: securing her parents' permission. She knew it would be difficult. But she was sure once she explained the significance of the invitation, we would say "yes."
We did not.
"Everyone else is going. I will be the only one not there. It's not fair!" To which, we firmly replied, "We are not like everyone else. There will be no parental supervision. You absolutely may not go."
This happened often throughout our daughter's middle and high school years. And because she could not always do what everyone else did, she often felt left out.
As her parents, we were establishing boundaries and limits. Our actions, though hard at times, taught her a powerful biblical truth: Because we don't belong to everyone else, we don't live like everyone else.

We belong to Someone else; we belong to God.
Because we are His, God has set us apart to be different. He does not want us to squeeze into the mold set by everyone else.
This struggle has existed for thousands of years. Israel desperately tried to fit in with the nations around them. They wanted to be like everyone else. But God refused to allow this. He set Israel apart to be a holy nation. He established boundaries for His children just as we do for our children.
In Leviticus 20:26, God commanded Israel, "You are to be holy to me, because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own" (NIV 1984). God set Israel apart to intentionally distinguish them from everyone else.
God did not do this to punish the Israelites or deprive them. Just the opposite. He specifically chose them for good. Being set apart not only was a privilege but also carried with it amazing blessings, far more than they could ever imagine.
Keeping that in mind, it's exciting to know God calls us to be holy too. He calls us into a personal and intimate relationship. And when we say "yes," we receive good gifts just as the Israelites did. God gives us a fresh start with Him ... a new life where our past is wiped clean. God sees us through the eyes of His Son, Jesus. We are no longer like everyone else. God sets us apart to live a new life in Him.
My husband and I make those same hard choices for ourselves. A few years ago we stepped out of a dinner club. We felt uncomfortable with the direction the group was taking. It wasn't easy being left out of some fun parties. The night of those events, I missed being with everyone else. I felt what my daughter felt.
You and I may have to make the same hard choices. We may not be able to watch certain movies with our friends on Girl's Night. Or we may have to speak up on an issue close to God's heart, causing us to stand out, rather than fit in.
What I have learned through making the hard choices is they come with a great reward: enjoying the pleasure of our heavenly Father.
We belong to the Creator of heaven and earth. He created us in His image and loves us with an everlasting love. Today, let's be set apart from others and set apart for HIM by making some hard choices so we may live in the fullness of all He has for us.
Dear Lord, thank You for choosing me and setting me apart to live for You. Keep me from wanting to be like "everyone else." In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?
Visit Wendy Blight's blog and sign up for her new three week online study, Quiet My Anxious Heart: Learning to Rest in Jesus, beginning May 8th.
Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner by Wendy helps uncover insecurities and fears that may be holding you back from living in the fullness of Christ.
Reflect and Respond:
Write down one choice you can make today to say "no" to everyone else and "yes" to God. Take an action step toward making that happen.
Read 1 Peter 1:15-16. What does it look like in your life to be holy?
Power Verses:
1 Peter 1:15-16, "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.'" (NIV 1984)
2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, and the new has come!" (NIV 1984)

Wendy BlightWendy Blight

Image of Wendy Blight
Wendy Blight's greatest joy is to teach women to not only stand on the Word of God, but also to really know what it says and apply it in their lives. I especially love to teach Bible study and write corresponding curriculum because it enables me to connect women directly to the heart of God.
God has blessed me with a passion and giftedness to bring His Word alive. Consequently, the bulk of my messages and lessons share the specific Scriptures and prayers that have transformed my heart and home. They equip women to:
  • Apply God’s Word in a way that makes it relevant and applicable to everyday circumstances
  • Unpack Scriptures in a way that enables them to write powerful and effective prayers
  • Gain victory over trials and struggles through faithfully praying the Scriptures
I have authored a book and several Bible studies. Just days after my college graduation, I was attacked by a masked man hiding in my apartment. While  physically I survived, I lived the next decade in a prison of fear, despair, and hopelessness. God and God alone healed me. My story is now an amazing testimony of God’s strength in weakness, His hope in hopelessness, and His healing in brokenness. My book, Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner: The Transforming Power of God’s Story, recounts my journey of transformation from a prison of fear to freedom in Christ and offers a step-by-step walk through God’s Word to find physical, spiritual, and emotional healing.
I have been a featured guest on Oprah Radio, The 700 Club, Family Life Today with Dr. Dennis Rainey, Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman.
My husband, Monty, and I live in Charlotte, North Carolina, where we raise our two children Lauren (17) and Bo (13). In addition to being a wife and mother, I am an author, speaker, Bible teacher, and serve on the staff of Proverbs 31 Ministries. Before moving to Charlotte, I practiced law in Dallas, Texas.


What Others are Saying about Wendy

Wendy has an authentic passion for women to hear God’s Truth and allow it to set them free from any and all captivity they are experiencing. Women sit closer to listen to Wendy, and God uses her story to break down walls that women have built around their hearts and hurts. She is beautiful inside and out. This beauty draws women to her.
Lisa Allen, Forest Hill Women’s Director
Wendy allowed our moms to read and process God’s Word for themselves, some for the first time. They understood time with God is not a task to check off but an opportunity to sit and allow God to wash them with His powerful Word and work in their lives wherever they are. She is real and did not pretend to be perfect. It was refreshing and encouraging for our women because she made what she has in Christ seem real and attainable. Her honesty, vulnerability, and tenderness as she shared stories from her past and as a mother, allowed the women to translate it to their lives. She is a woman after God’s heart, and I am thankful that she blessed us with her words, time, and beauty.
Lynn Pitts, Founder Young Women’s Bible Study
Wendy has such a precious way of imparting the riches of God’s Word to the hearts of those in her audience. While speaking Truth, Wendy continues to show her daily dependence and hope found in her Savior, Jesus Christ. Her vulnerability keeps her approachable and real, making people immediately connect with her.
Marcy Gregg, Speaker and Bible Teacher
Wendy’s inspirational message touched the hearts of all of the mothers involved in our program. She totally connected with the audience while her message was consistent with our topic. Wendy’s love for Christ was evident in her presentation of expressing the importance of interior beauty and living a life a virtue.
Kathy Comer, Director Pure Fashion Charlotte

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