Sunday 6 May 2012

My God, My God

Written by Barbara Alpert

What is your idol?
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” (Deuteronomy 5:6-8)
When you become a believer, you are no longer alienated from God or a slave to sin. Through faith in Christ, you are brought out of the dominion of darkness and adopted into the kingdom of light. As a chosen child of God you are to honor, praise, and worship Him above all else. God is a jealous God and it’s wise not to allow anything to come between you and Him. As soon as it does, it becomes an idol, a mini god.  
You might have brought your former mini gods with you when you started your relationship with God. You may not have even realized it. However, as you mature in your relationship with God, out of love and discipline, He will reveal what is neither fitting nor right in your life. His life changing Word says, “Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son (daughter), so the Lord your God disciplines you.” (Deuteronomy 8:5)

God’s indwelling Spirit will enable you to see and recognize what false gods are in your life so you can repent and worship God above all others. Some of the mini god(s) might be a career, a person, notoriety, fortune, time-consuming activities, or an addiction. Whatever you seek, whatever controls and consumes all your attention may in fact be an idol that is displeasing to your heavenly Father.
All substitute gods will leave you feeling empty, miserable, and unfulfilled if you do not cast them from your life or put them in their proper place. No matter how advanced your career is, how much money you posses, how much recognition you receive, how good that food or drug makes you feel, sooner or later it will forsake you.
Blessed are you though, daughter of the most High, for God is loving and jealous for you. He wants you to succeed in good works. He wants to bestow His favor, power, and blessings upon you, but He asks that you have no other gods before Him. Today, if you hear His voice speaking to your heart, be willing to nail whatever idols you might have to the cross. Daily, seek to honor, praise, and worship the Lord above all. 
Father, If there is anything in my life that is taking Your rightful place help me to let it go that I might love you fully.  Amen
Question: We need to check our lives to see if we have substitute gods we are giving our attention to. Do you have substitute gods in your life? Pray today for God to take His throne again in your life.

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