Tuesday 15 May 2012

Stop, Look And Listen

Growing in the Lord.

A corn plant when it is fully grown and at harvest may have 2 -3 cobs per plant.

However when the plant is only a few weeks old and has sprouted it doesn't have the strength or ability to hold the corn cobs. 

If we focus upon growing the harvest will eventually come.

Too often we focus upon the wrong areas of life.

So how do we grow in the Lord.

One way is by knowing what God says about you and accepting this. 

I consider this to be one of the hardest areas of our lives.

We tend to believe and act by what we see and hear in the physical realm.

As an example if we are struggling financially then we tend to meditate upon our struggles.

Instead we should be full of joy praising God because God promises to meet our every needs according to His riches in glory.  When you truly believe this you will rejoice and not panic.

God says that we will be blessed in abundance.

When you truly believe this you will see abundance in your life not lack.

As you start to expect in what God says and not what you see you will start to see what you were expecting.


How much time do you commit to meditating in the what God says?

You can meditate in the promises of God as you work, as you travel.

Wherever you are you can focus upon God's promise and not your problems.

We often focus upon our problems and not God's promise.

Allow your expectation to be God's promise.

Now before you quickly race off and do something else think about what was said above and how it applies to our life.

What are you going to do that is different?

There is a quotation that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results?


What are you going to do that is different?

We are all creatures of habits and we like to do those things that we are comfortable with but in order for our lives to change we need to change.

In order for our lives to change we need to change.

Stop look and listen.

Stop your mind from racing with negative thoughts.

Look at what God says about your situation.

Listen to what God says about your situation.

This requires meditation upon the thoughts that God has for you.


Sometimes we quickly pass over something looking for something new without meditating in it.

The New Testament was written 2,000 years but it still has new revelation today which hasn’t changed.

We often don’t see it or learn how to apply it to our lives.

Stop look and listen.

God bless

Lou Galloway


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