Friday, 15 March 2013

Prophetic Word: "I Am Calling My Generals Out of the Wilderness"

The Lord said, “I am calling My generals out of the wilderness. I am calling My officers out of the wilderness. I am calling My leaders out of the wilderness. For in the wilderness, many, many lessons have been taught. And they were lessons that could not be taught in the mountains, but they had to be taught in the wilderness.
“You are about to witness a moving of My Spirit. And you will see Him hover over all four corners of your nation. But you will see Him come, and come and stand in the midst of your nation. And you will feel the ripple effects. The ripple of the wind will come as He comes, and He touches down, for I’m about to burst forth on all sides in your nation.
“For I have sanctuaries that have been in the making. And people have been looking and looking for My Presence." He said “come to the sanctuary and bring a sacrifice of praise. And know that I wait, and I bid you to come to the sanctuary.

“You have sung, ‘Lord, make me a sanctuary.' I have answered that prayer. I am calling the sanctified ones to come together, to lift up My name, and then I can lift them up. Know I’m about to move in households where there has been deadness and staleness. I’m about to pour out My Spirit on hearts that have been crying out. I have not honored their unbelief, but I have honored their sincerity and hearts for truth.
“Know I am going to start answering the questions that lay dormant over your land. And I’m going to answer the questions that are in the hearts of My own. For I have heard My own say, ‘Lord, where are You? Where are You?’
“I am in the sanctuary of My people. And I am going to draw My people to come to the river of salvation, fresh and new, and be renewed in My river. And when they are renewed, they will come up strong, not weak. They will come up with a testimony of faith, of healing. They will come up with a testimony of faith of My Word.
“They will come out of the wilderness, but they will not come out leaning on their Beloved. They will come out running with their Beloved, because My Spirit will come upon them, and He will run with them. And they will begin to take the prisoner, and they will capture those who have been held in captivity. And they will speak words of life and freedom.
“Do you not hear, even now the shackles that are being broken off of the hearts of My people? For many have been shackled with unbelief and pain, and I’m speaking tonight: ‘Let your heart be set free in Me, so I can heal every area. And in turn you will run in the wind of My Spirit,’ ” says the Lord your God.
Lord we give You praise, we give You glory. Lord we ask that right now every shackle be broken. We ask every heart be released. And we ask that we would run in the knowledge, stronger because of who we are in You, because of Your goodness and mercy, in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Eileen Fisher speaks and ministers before many groups and has a desire to fulfill the commission that Jesus gave us all. Eileen is available for retreats, workshops, meetings, banquets or other special events. Eileen is also the author of two new books titled Embraced by The Holy Spirit and Embracing the Prophetic. She travels, is a frequent TV guest and teaches Schools of Prophecy and Healing. Her husband Fred oversees the ministry and is the ministry administrator. Fred and Eileen are active overseers and members of the board of directors for Freedom Christian Fellowship Church. They have one married daughter, Theresa; their son Michael went home to be with our Lord in 1993, and they have four grandchildren.

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