Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Why Devotions Are Important - Looking Beyond Ourselves

"He must become greater; I must become less." - John 3:30 NIV

There are times when I am doing my devotions that I journal, that is, I keep a diary of what is going on in my life. I sometimes look back on that and gain new insight on what I was going through back then. I have become more adept at interpreting God's leading and plan for me as I further experience life and receive what He has done.

By looking back on what we have been through and seeing the hand of God there, we can have greater comfort and encouragement for what we are going through now or even what lies ahead. As I gain new insight into my personality and the Lord's working into my issues and problems, I realize how small they really are compared to my Lord's holiness and greatness.

Concentrating on Christ and what He has done will lift us up better and more completely than anything else we could ever do. It has taught me to look beyond myself and concentrate on Christ.

We look at God's Word as a mirror to ourselves, into our souls, not to see us, but to see God working in us. When we only see ourselves, we see sin, brokenness, failure, self-seeking inclinations, and wrong attitudes. We must see God's interests and not our own; then our devotions and journals become tools for us to mature in the faith. Christ will become more real in us, as our problems become less.

Right From The Heart's 1-Minute Daily Devotion

In 1992, Right From The Heart Ministries began in the heart of Bryant Wright, Senior Pastor of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia. Bryant’s vision for RFTH was to be non-denominational, a separate entity from Johnson Ferry, where the message of Jesus Christ would be shared with people outside the traditional walls of the church. That year, with the help of people who shared his vision, RFTH broadcast its first half-hour teaching program on Christian radio in Atlanta. In 1999, 30-second secular television spots were added to the mix, followed closely by the internet in 2000.

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