Saturday 10 March 2012

The Top Six Factors That Lead to Success

The Top Six Factors That Lead to Successthumbnail
In the United States, someone becomes a millionaire every 10 minutes. Most of these millionaires are self-made, proving that success doesn't depend on education or social status, but rather to factors and values that lead a person to become successful. Everyone measures success differently, and although everyone will not become millionaires, you can follow key factors that will lead you to find success, balance and fulfillment in your career and personal life.
  1. Drive

    • Drive and ambition will lead you to success. Drive means understanding the value of hard work, never being lazy and having clear goals and visions for what you want to accomplish. Successful people are on a mission, and they will practice, study and work endlessly to become competent experts at what they do.


    • Confidence will lead you to success because confidence is contagious. When you believe in what you are doing and have conviction, it is much easier to get others to follow along. This does not mean that you will not suffer setbacks. However, the successful person accepts these setbacks and takes them in stride, not letting them shake her confidence.
    • Those who are successful are also courageous. Not only does it take brains and ambition to be successful, but it also takes guts. Those who are successful know when to take calculated risks and chances. This means being a leader instead of a follower.

    Self Esteem

    • Being successful means believing in yourself and having the self esteem to believe that you are a person of value with something important to offer the world. Successful people don't waste time worrying about what others think about them. They have confidence in themselves to forge ahead without fear.


    • Positivity will lead you to success. Negative people tend to always see the gloomy side of things, which often causes them to miss out on solutions and creative ideas. Not to say that you should be overly optimistic. A healthy dose of pessimism now and again keeps you grounded allowing you to think critically and not blindly accept a bad idea. You should, however, avoid pessimistic people. These dream stealers will only distract you from your goals by inspiring negative thinking.


    • Focus means eliminating daily distractions that prevent you from achieving success. This also means having to say no, which can be unpopular at times, but in the long run, will lead you to success more quickly. Focus also means repairing or eliminating life distractions that prevent you from achieving your goals, such as unhealthy relationships, financial insecurity or poor health.

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