Wednesday 16 May 2012


Serge Roux-Levrat

Did you answer yes to the title question? Why? Is your Father in Heaven surrounded by less abundance while you go through a trial? No. Do you lose your adopted son or daughter-ship status when you navigate in rough seas? No. Does God love you less when you face tough challenges? No. So, why did you answer yes to my question then? The simple truth is that the devil can seek to steal everything from you (like he tried to with Job), but if you resist him by flexing your faith muscles, he cannot win.

If you have been born again, you are a child of God. As such you are rich beyond measure and can enjoy the abundant life that Jesus died for you to have. God has already given you a “Promised Land;” a land that lacks nothing and where everything exists in abundance. Yes, God’s plan for your life may require that you appear poor in the eyes of the world. However, do not make the mistakes of seeing yourself as a poor person, because you are wealthy beyond imagination.

→ Don't believe me? Then think about this: was Jesus poor or rich, living in abundance or in scarcity? Before you answer, let me give you a clue. Imagine that the world’s richest person decided to live one year with the poorest tribe on earth. And, in order to experience firsthand what they have to go through each day, he decides to take no money, no credit card, and no mobile phone with him. Put differently, he leaves all his material wealth to a steward to manage it. Now, while our richest man is in the “land” of poverty, is he rich or poor? Well, for the tribe he currently lives with, he is probably poor, as they do not know how wealthy he really is. But for the rest of the world, he is still the richest man on earth.
Now, let me ask you again: was Jesus rich or poor while He was on earth? If you answered poor, then you do not really know Him. He has done exactly what the rich man did in my example. He lived not one year on earth, but thirty-three, and coming to the earth did not change His abundance status: as the Son of God, He was rich, before, during, and after His stay on earth. His abundance remained constant.

Do you realize what this means for you and I? That we are surrounded with abundance the minute we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Our challenge is first to see our abundance land and then to take possession of it; in order to do that, we must just activate the key abundance success factors and nullify the key abundance destruction factors that operate in our lives. Then abundance will start flowing into our lives here on earth. Transfers of abundance will be made from God’s personal account in heaven to ours here on earth. In time, these transfers will impact all areas of our lives and fill us with love, joy, and peace.

No matter what your bank account on earth says, you should see yourself as being rich, not poor. From now on, speak words of abundance only. Don't say: “We don't have enough money to buy that now"; say: "Lord, if you want me to have this car, you will open up the door. If you don't, it is because it would not have been a blessing for us." Don't overly focus on your problems, but spend more time on identifying and capturing the opportunity that each situation brings.

Think positive. Think how proud Jesus is that you - His ambassador on earth - is unaffected by the ups or downs that you experience in your earthly material abundance. Thank God for His love, and let it flow through you to others. Jesus needs to be able to count on you. After all, “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers (the true Christians) are few.” (Matthew 9:37)

Satan is currently having too good a time on earth. He is winning souls by the millions. We need to stop him from stealing people from the kingdom of heaven and destroying their lives in the process. If this post has touched you, then move into action. Support a ministry such as ours and aim to become a brighter light each day. Your life will then take on a new meaning and really be worth living!
Serge Roux-Levrat is the Principal Ambassador of SRL Ministries and the author of numerous books and ebooks such as Make Your Life Worth Living and How To Enjoy An Abundant Health.
Serge stayed seven years in what he calls God's detoxification clinic. During this time he studied and medidated extensively upon the Word of God, renewed his mind, received many revelations from the Holy Spirit, developed many spiritual gifts, taught Bible-Study classes in a large Christian Church and successfully passed key tests that God had asked him to take. More importantly, he learned to trust and to depend solely on God.
He is married since 1995 to Barbara, and they are the parents of two children.

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