Saturday, 9 March 2013

Bonsai Christians?

Written by Marilyn Ehle

Take today’s next step: If your faith feels smaller than you’d like it to, take a deep breath and jump into the 35 Day Challenge. You’ll see your faith expand in no time.
“[M]ake every effort to add to your faith goodness…knowledge…self-control…perseverance…godliness…mutual affection…love. If you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)
Have you ever seen the beauty of a bonsai tree? These trees are specially cultivated plants that remain in miniature form through pruning, root reduction, potting, defoliation, and grafting to produce small trees that mimic the shape and style of mature, full-size trees. They are not intended for production of food or medicine, or for creating large gardens or landscapes. Instead, they are to please the eye of the beholder.

While reading about this bonsai process, I began to wonder if there are such things as bonsai Christians. They possess the real life of Christ, they “look” like Christians as they participate in practices of Christian culture. But why do they remain small?
Peter’s words might have been seen as discouraging to a group of faithful Christ-followers who were living in an area and time where discrimination and violence against Christians was commonplace. Wouldn’t it be easier to sit back and relax, blend into the culture and wait for Christ’s promised return? But Peter knows that especially during times of testing, it is important for growth to be encouraged and practiced.
I heard once that mature Christians are those who are practiced listeners—to scripture, to the Holy Spirit and to one another. In addition, maturity requires imaginative response as seen in humility, obedience and compassion. No, we are not called to be merely decorative, but Spirit-filled, growing, fully-leafed trees that “yield its fruit in season.”
God, I don’t want to just resemble the Truth a little; I want to have the mind of Christ and the compassion of the Father.  If there are behaviors and habits in my life that are holding me back and keeping me small, show me what needs to be done.
Question: Does your life resemble a bonsai Christian? What can you do today to grow in your faith?

Marilyn Ehle

Marilyn Ehle grew up in Michigan, but for over 40 years has lived in several other U.S. states, as well as in Canada and Germany. During these years Marilyn has been involved in Christian and community activities, including the teaching of time management, priority planning, cross cultural adjustment, and other biblically-centered seminars. Now residing in Colorado, Marilyn continues to teach, speak to women’s groups, and write for several web sites.

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