Sunday, 10 March 2013

Destructive Criticism

Author: Creflo Dollar

Have you noticed how easy it is to murmur and complain about things that upset you or that you don't particularly agree with? While going about your daily routine, the challenges you face may tempt you to complain and speak negatively. What you may not realize is God's strong opposition to murmuring and complaining.

In Numbers 11:1, the Bible describes how the Israelites' complaints angered the Lord. They had been journeying in the desert under Moses' leadership and their impatience caused them to begin complaining. God certainly didn't appreciate their words and it was demonstrated by His response to them—fire raged among them and destroyed the outskirts of the camp.

Thousands of people lost their lives during this time, but more disaster followed as the people of Israel continued to speak against God. They complained about the manna from heaven that He provided to sustain them on their journey and demanded meat, saying how they wished they could return to Egypt because of the delicacies they enjoyed. In addition, they grumbled against Moses and accused him of leading them into the wilderness to die. As a result of their continued complaining, God sent quail from the heavens that choked and killed them (Numbers 11:31-33).

Please understand that when you complain about your circumstances, you disregard the provision God has already made for you and you forfeit the blessings that He has in store for you. The Israelites had a choice, to either focus on the negative aspect of their journey or the positive—that God had delivered them from their enemies; was making them a new nation, and bringing them into their own land, which flowed with milk and honey.

Before you judge them too harshly, I urge you to examine your own words. If you are going through a hard time, you may be in a wilderness stage in your life. Even though you may be facing some challenges right now murmuring and complaining will only make things worse. God patiently waits for His people to stop complaining so that He can bless them.

Now let me show you something interesting. In Numbers 11:10-17, Moses, out of his own frustration brought a legitimate complaint to God. He was overwhelmed with the number of people he was overseeing and needed wisdom on how to lead them. He was aggravated by their complaining against him as their leader and he sought the Lord. God responded differently to Moses, and helped him solve his problem. Why? Because God honors honesty and integrity, and He honors the man who comes to him with legitimate concerns and faith.

If you are having a series of problems, call on God, not other people. Don't continue to complain and grumble about it. When you genuinely need help with a challenge you are having. Go to God in faith and trust and He will help you. For example, if you are facing financial challenges, instead of constantly talking about the situation to your family and friends, go to the Lord and stand on scriptures that support the outcome you desire. Sow seeds and make sure you are giving 10%—the tithe—of all your increase to the Lord. Ask Him to give you wisdom on how to govern your finances, relationships, business and family. He is faithful to assist you in your time of need.

If you have developed a habit of complaining I urge you to repent and set a guard over your mouth. Become grateful and thankful for what God has already done for you and expect Him to follow through on His Word. Whatever you do, don't give in to the temptation to murmur and complain. Your situation can and will turn around with every small change.

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