Sunday, 10 March 2013

There Is Purpose in The Wait

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." Psalm 27:14 (NLT)

Efficiency is my middle name. I like to get things done and get them done fast. Waiting for my computer to re-load a web page, or my kids to find their shoes, or even for God to come through on a prayer request isn't something I always do with patience.

In our hurry up, need it, gotta-have-it-now culture, it's easy to think we shouldn't have to wait. Think about it: within seconds we can know the weather in southern Mongolia, order a cute blouse from a trendy store, or move dinner from the freezer to the table in five minutes thanks to microwaves. We can instant message our mom or send a tweet to thousands in the blink of an eye. No wonder waiting is hard!

King David, the author of Psalm 27:14 was no stranger to waiting and knew full well of its difficulties. So when David wrote, "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD," it was with experience honed through years of waiting to fulfill God's destiny for him. That destiny started in the humble home of his father Jesse, and in the pasture herding sheep.

It started when the prophet Samuel showed up at Jesse's home to anoint the next king of Israel who was to be chosen from his family. Only one of Jesse's sons would be anointed. That son was David.

Scripture tells us the Spirit of God rushed over David and was with him the remainder of his days (1 Samuel 16:13 ESV). With such an anointing one would expect David to run to take his seat on the throne. But the only running David did was back to the pasture and his sheep.

Thus his wait began.

In the wait, God prepared David to be king. However, the only vocation David had known was shepherding. He did not know the ins and outs of kingly protocol or the rules of royal deity. David did not have the support of the people or armies to defend him as king. He was only a lowly shepherd boy. Instead of taking the position he was promised, David waited for God to move him from the pasture to the palace.

In the wait, God readied David by teaching many lessons about waiting. By examining and applying these truths we can find hope in the difficulty of waiting, and see how waiting now can be beneficial to our future.

Even though we are anointed and appointed we may still have to wait. David waited 15 years to be king of Judah and even longer to be king of all Israel.

If we allow it, our waiting will bring us to an intimate knowledge of God that we would not otherwise have. Most of David's beautiful and poetic psalms were written while in caves, caverns, and the wilderness, waiting on God.
God does not ignore the cries of His children. David cried and begged God for help, intervention, and defense. God never let David down.

Our waiting has a purpose for someone other that ourselves. It's not all about us. Just think of how rich our lives are today because of the wait David endured. We have the comfort, compassion, hope, and healing of the Psalms.
What awesome instructions David's life gives for waiting! Waiting is less difficult and the future is brighter when we let God do His work in our waiting season. When we let our guard and defenses down, we're open to seeing how faithful He is to bring His plans for our lives to fullness.

Dear Lord, help me wait well. I want be patient as You bring Your plan in my life to its fullness. I can't do this without You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
What to Do in The W.A.I.T? CD by Wendy Pope

Trusting God for a Better Tomorrow (eBook) by Wendy Pope is a study of the Psalms and offers much hope as you wait.

Do you feel God has called you to be a writer or speaker? 

Have you waited on Him to bring this dream to pass? Pray about attending our annual She Speaks Conference. This is a wonderful way for God to ready you as you wait!

Visit Wendy's blog

Reflect and Respond:
Read more about David's life starting in 1 Samuel 16.
What is your first response to waiting?
Do you grow closer to or further from God when waiting? Why?
What has God taught you in today's devotion about waiting?

Power Verse:
Psalm 27:4, "One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple" (NIV 1984)

Isaiah 40:31, "... but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (NIV 1984)
Lamentations 3:24, "I say to myself, 'The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'" (NIV)

Wendy Pope

Image of Wendy Pope
Wendy connects with warmth, wit and authenticity whether speaking on stage or engaging in personal conversation. Reflecting grace and wisdom gleaned from her consistent study of Scripture, she inspires women to begin or renew a commitment to daily prayer and Bible study.

Wendy's passion to impart Jesus' words, "I've come that they may have life, and have it to the full," will refresh a woman in her calling as wife, mother, friend, leader, and most importantly, daughter of God.
Wendy is married with two children. She's the author of Out of the Mouths of Babes, is a contributing author for God's Purpose for Every Woman and The Reason We Speak, and has been featured in P31 Woman magazine. You can read Wendy's devotions in Encouragement for Today, online devotions, which reach over 300,000 daily. In 2009, Wendy began leading an online daily study of the One-Year Chronological Bible on her blog beginning with a few hundred people. Today, over 2,500 people have followed Wendy in this study.
From Wendy's Heart
My heart's desire is know Christ intimately and to stir the same desire in other women. The calling God has placed on my life is to encourage women to hunger for a close walk with Jesus Christ. I want women to know their needs, their thirsts can only be quenched by a life totally abandoned to self and devoted to Him. My life's verse is Acts 20:24: "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus had given, me, the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."


What Others are Saying about Wendy

"Wendy has inspired me to new depths of enthusiasm for exploring God's Word, yet made the discovery process simple enough to learn and use even amidst my sometimes chaotic schedule. Wendy's passion for living out God's Word in her everyday life is refreshing, her teaching style is motivating and her approach to delving into the Scriptures is fun to learn and exciting to apply."

MarLo Huffington
Chairman of the Board, Hearts at Home

"Wendy loves God and His Word with all of her heart and it is evident when she speaks and writes. She passionately shares about God and yet exposes her own shortcomings so that she can connect with her audience. She encourages women to spend time with God everyday and to put God first in all things. She is fun, energetic and engaging. I know that we will be friends for life."

Wendi Westmoreland,
Retreat Events Coordinator, Hillcrest Baptist Church

"Wendy has a delightful presence and a confidence in the truth in God's Word. She has a good balance of sharing openly and humbly from her own life but allows God to take charge. She passionately shares scriptures and exhorts women to make time alone with God a priority in their lives. Her love for Jesus and her convictions based on His Word are strongly evident."

Marilyn Smith
Conference Guest

Speaking Topics


The Gift Goes On (Christmas)
The prophet Isaiah extols Jesus as the "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Wendy brings this Scripture to life as she connects the prophecy in Isaiah 9:6 to everyday life. A woman listening to this message will be encouraged to: - Seek her Wonderful Counselor when she needs wisdom and guidance. - Draw strength from her Mighty God when she feels defenseless. - Enjoy her Everlasting Father who is consistent when life is not. - Rest in her Prince of Peace when she becomes restless.

Spiritual Growth

At the End of Your Rope: Untying the Knots to Spiritual Freedom
Many people today are at the end of their rope, tied up in life's disappointments and unmet expectations. God sent His Son so His children might have a life of fullness and freedom untied to life's disappointments and unmet expectations. Wendy teaches how to attain this freedom as she moves women to: - Exchange the stumbling blocks to freedom for fullness of life. - Experience the joy of obeying God's Word. - Expect freedom in Christ to produce the desire to serve others.
What to do in the W.A.I.T.: Finding Contentment in God's Pauses and Plans
What do you do when God presses the pause button? At times it is difficult to see the good in waiting on God. By examining the life of David, Wendy teaches how to find contentment while waiting on God. Be inspired to: - View pauses as opportunities to strengthen your faith. - Gain confidence and peace in uncertain times. - Trust the perfection of God's timing.
The Yes, No, and Maybe of a Balanced Life
Are you so busy juggling the demands of life to enjoy it? Do you long to rest in the peaceful rhythm God has planned for you? Life's schedule is demanding but does not have to be difficult. Sit back and relax as Wendy teaches how God holds all of time in His hands and guides you to: - Define what balance is and is not. - Know when to say yes, no, and maybe. - Replace the anxieties of hurriedness with calm of balance.
The Scriptures are Alive
Do you long experience the power of God's Word in your life? The Bible is a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path however it can be challenging to understand as well as apply. You've heard that it is alive and active but aren't sure how to learn it, live it, or love it. In The Scriptures are Alive you will be inspired to study the scriptures like you have always wanted. Wendy will passionately teach: - Practical ways to make God's Word come alive. - Simple techniques in applying God's Word. - Easy steps to researching the background and meaning of scriptures.

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